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Please download the Insurance Sample Letter 2025 available below. 

This letter is required for proof of trade stand insurance at the Tullamore Show & National Livestock Show 2025

See Tullamore Show Trade Terms & Conditions - Points 13 & 14

13. Insurance:

  • Public Liability- All Exhibitors must have insurance policies in respect of public liability, with minimum of €2.6 million limit of indemnity, any one incident.
  • A letter from their insurance company confirming their public liability cover and indemnities must be provided.
  • The Exhibitor must ensure that confirmation of their current insurance policy accompanies their Trade Stand application.
  • Under no circumstances will any Exhibitor be admitted to the show grounds without production of this evidence of insurance.

14. Indemnity:

  • The Exhibitor indemnifies the Show and agents against all, and any liabilities, losses, costs, or expense caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of any actions or claim by any person of any breach by the Exhibitor of these terms or by act of negligence of the Exhibitor, its employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors or other persons authorised by the Exhibitor.
  • Confirmation letter must be specifically extended to indemnity the Tullamore Show Society, The Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Event, the Irish Shows Association and Site Owners, against any claims losses, damages or injuries that may arise for the durations of the Tullamore Show on 10th August 2025 and including the 10 day period before and after the even which may be required for the setting up and clearing away of exhibitor from the show grounds.
  • Agreement with our terms and conditions also confirms indemnity to the above.
  1. Limits on Liability: Whilst the Tullamore Show Management will provide General Security for the overall site area, each Exhibitor is responsible for the security of their own exhibition and stand area. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any source whatsoever. The Exhibitor is advised to make adequate arrangements for protection of their exhibits.  Each exhibitor should have adequate insurance cover in respect of such damage or loss. The Show Management accepts no liability for damage to property, personal injury, death or other loss caused to the Exhibitor or its authorised persons. Exhibitors with machinery which could cause injury when in motion or otherwise are required to have adequate safeguards in place to protect the public and especially children. 



Tullamore Show FBD National Livestock Show INSURANCE SAMPLE LETTER 2025.docx
(22.8 KB)

Download Format: MS Word Document  Insurance Letter 2025 

Instruction: Upload the completed letter with your Trade Stand Application in the appropriate section (Documentation). The letter must include all requested details as laid out in the sample letter and terms and conditions.