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Tullamore Show Benefits to Sponsors

1. Association with Ireland's Premier Show, set on 280 acres at the Butterfield Estate, Blueball, Tullamore, County Offaly.

2. Prime opportunity to promote your business to a large attendance and to enhance your brand awareness at a national level

3. Publicity through our carefully designed multimedia marketing campaign ranging from local, national and international press coverage, radio, TV, magazines, newspapers, social media etc.

4. Allocation of sponsorship ranges from competitive classes to events, features or facilities.

5. Catalogue and schedule listings. On site billing at various locations.

6. Worldwide coverage through our website, with an average of 8,000 hits per week. Links can be organized on request.

7. Opportunities to display your point of sale material (eg. banners, signs) in the immediate vicinity of your competition/ event.

8. Trade Stand facilities allowing sponsors to network with existing or potential customers. Sponsors have the option of free outdoor trade space, which is relative to their contribution. Sponsorship can also give access to a standard trade stand area of 10m x 6m of outdoor space and multiples thereof. This facility must be officially applied for by completing our official trade stand application form and returned by 19th May.

9. Free catalogue advertising, based on your contribution: € 750 qualifies for a free half page black and white advert, while € 1,500 will allow for a full page advert. Ad copy to be provided by the sponsor. Dimensions: A5 size, black and white, of portrait layout.

10. A Sponsors Night is held in conjunction with the launch of the schedule, in June. This occasion provides photographic opportunities and refreshments, while allowing us to show you our appreciation for your support and affords you the opportunity to meet the other sponsors.

11. Sponsors are allocated admission passes to the Show, based on their contribution.


If you wish to become involved in the show as a sponsor please contact us on 057 93 52141 or email