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Application/Acceptance: Applications for Trade Stand space must be made through the official online application process. (hard copies available on request). The application must be fully completed, and the Exhibitor must agree to accept the relevant terms and conditions. In the event your application is not successful your payment will be returned, but refund for any other reasons will not be considered. Submission of application does not ensure allocation of trade space. Show management reserves the right in its absolute discretion to reject an application for exhibition space, to reduce trade stand allocation, withdraw permission or close down an exhibition stand. The Exhibitor accepts that in applying for a stand allocation, he/she accepts that the Tullamore Show Management will not be responsible for any loss of profit, consequential loss or any loss whatsoever arising by reason of their participation at the Show. Exhibitors must obey all the rules of the Tullamore Show and obey any instruction from authorised personnel, before, during and after the show. Any disputes arising out of the conditions laid out by the Tullamore Show, between exhibitors or between the Show management and exhibitors, shall be resolved at the absolute discretion of the Tullamore Show. We will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse towards Show Staff – no benefit to either party.

Breach: Any breach of these terms and conditions by the Exhibitor shall, without prejudice to any other remedy available, entitle Show management to cancel the agreement with the Exhibitor and remove or request the immediate removal of the Exhibitor and its property from the site.

Catalogue: The Show Management shall not accept responsibility for the content, errors or omissions in the catalogue.

Changes or Cancellations: The Show Management reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion (which shall reference to weather forecasts and ground conditions) to postpone or cancel the Show, make amendments to the parameters of the site or the stand space and/or amend the planned times as set out above. The Show will not be responsible to any exhibitor or person for loss of profit or any consequential loss arising out of the cancellation of the event. The Show shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations pursuant to these terms as a result of flooding, fire, lighting, explosion, drought, ground conditions, act of God, act of terrorism, war, rebellion, sabotage, strike, disease or any other event outside reasonable control of the Show management. The Show recommends that insurance cancellation cover be considered by the Exhibitor.

Closure of Stands and Exiting: The Exhibitor shall not commence closing down its stand until 6.00pm on the day of the Show.

Definition: Show means the Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show, which is taking place on Butterfield Estate, Blueball, Tullamore on Sunday 14th August 2022.

6.1 Exhibitor means any person or body who/which has entered into an agreement with the Show Management for a trade stand at the Show.

6.2 Fee means the fee specified in the Application and payable to the Show by the Show personnel.

6.3 Stand Space means the trade stand space on Site allocated to the Exhibitor by the Show personnel.

6.4 Show Management refers to the members of the Show Committee which have been allocated general or specific responsibility of managing the Show or different areas of the Show activities.

Documents: Fire Certificate, Insurance and indemnity form must all be provided.

Entry of Stand Equipment & Business Times: Access is available from Tuesday 9th August. All heavy equipment MUST be on exhibition stand by 6.00pm, Friday 12th August. All access to site will cease from 2.00pm on Saturday 13th August. (NO EXCEPTIONS). DUE TO SAFETY & SECURITY CONSIDERATION, NO REQUEST TO BRING IN STAND EQUIPMENT ON SHOW DAY WILL BE ENTERTAINED, IRRESPECTFUL OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Before Sunday 14th August and after Show Day no children are permitted on Show grounds. The Trade Stand areas will be a PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ONLY AREA after 9.00am on Show Day, Sunday 14th August 2022. The Exhibitor shall ensure that their stand is attended and open for business by 9.00am of the day of the Show. Failing that, the chairman of the trade stand section shall be entitled to reallocate the stand space, with no refund of fees. All trade stands must be open for business from 9.00am to 6.00pm on Show day. Stands must be completely dismantled and removed no later than Friday 19th August. Security is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Non-compliance of this exit time will carry financial penalties.

FAQ’S: Available on website.

Fees: The details of the fees are outlined on the Show’s website ( The Exhibitor must pay the required full fees with the initial application. The Exhibitor shall remain liable for the fee if the Exhibitor cancels after application. Cancellation of space is non-refundable and non-transferable. Bank charges will apply if currency other than the Euro is used. €6.50 will be charged for regular foreign currency. Other options will carry higher charges. Sponsors will receive some exhibition space free of charge, proportionate to their sponsorship contribution. Should additional space be required, payment for this additional space will be necessary. In order to qualify, sponsors must submit their sponsorship by Friday 21st May 2022.

Fundraising, Collection, Etc.: The Exhibitor shall not hold raffles or collections for contributions to its funds without prior written consent of the Show management and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulation. Only one official charity is permitted to fundraise each year at the Tullamore Show. Should an Exhibitor be found ‘hosting’ a fundraiser without prior written consent of the Show Management – The Tullamore Show reserves the right to close down the entire exhibition stand on the spot for the duration of the Show without refunding the cost of stand or loss of earnings, the exhibitor may also be refused entry to exhibit at any further Tullamore Show.

Generators: No power is provided to outdoor trade stands, Exhibitors using generators must insure that no petrol generators are to be used and safety precautions must be adhered to.

Insurance: Public Liability- All Exhibitors must have insurance policies in respect of public liability, with minimum of €2.6 million limit of indemnity, any one incident. A letter from their insurance company confirming their public liability cover and indemnities must be provided. The Exhibitor must ensure that confirmation of their current insurance policy accompanies their Trade Stand application. Under no circumstances will any Exhibitor be admitted to the show grounds without production of this evidence of insurance.

Indemnity: The Exhibitor indemnifies the Show and agents against all and any liabilities, losses, costs or expense caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of any actions or claim by any person of any breach by the Exhibitor of these terms or by act of negligence of the Exhibitor, its employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors or other persons authorised by the Exhibitor. Confirmation letter must be specifically extended to indemnity the Tullamore Show Society, The Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Event, the Irish Shows Association and Site Owners, against any claims losses, damages or injuries that may arise for the durations of the Tullamore Show on 14th August 2022 and including the 10 day period before and after the even which may be required for the setting up and clearing away of exhibitor from the show grounds. Agreement with our terms and conditions also confirms indemnity to the above.

1.1 Limits on Liability: Whilst the Tullamore Show Management will provide General Security for the overall site area, each Exhibitor is responsible for the security of their own exhibition and stand area. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any source whatsoever. The Exhibitor is advised to make adequate arrangements for protection of their exhibits. Each exhibitor should have adequate insurance cover in respect of such damage or loss. The Show Management accepts no liability for damage to property, personal injury, death or other loss caused to the Exhibitor or its authorise persons. In particular exhibitors with machinery which could cause injury when in motion or otherwise are required to have adequate safeguards in place to protect the public and especially children.

Litter: The Exhibitor shall ensure that their Stand Space is tidy at all times and be responsible for proper disposal of any litter. The Exhibitor shall leave their Stand Space completely clear of litter, please use skips provided. The Exhibitor shall restore their stand space to its original condition. The Exhibitor shall become liable to pay a fine of €200 for breach of these litter clauses. We suggest you take a picture of your stand before vacating the area.

Passes: The number of free admission and vehicle passes relate to the stand area booked – 2 passes per stand space and up to a maximum of 10 passes. The Exhibitor shall ensure that its staff or authorised person carry proper passes and identification at all times on the site. One vehicle per Exhibitor will be allowed on to the Show grounds for the duration of the Show.

Regulations and Health & Safety: The Exhibitor shall comply with all current regulations, including Safety, Health and Welfare Act and the guidance issued by the Health and Safety Authority in relation to it. The Exhibitor shall comply with all directions of the site Safety Officer. All Exhibitors will be responsible for preparing and implementing their own Health and Safety Statement, Emergency Plans & Procedures, Crowd Management Plan, Fire and responsibilities that are necessary for a company exhibiting at a public event. Extreme caution must be practised at all times – especially in the livestock area.

Sales & Advertising: Only within the exhibitor allocated stand area should they sell, offer for sale or advertise their goods/services, including the distribution of leaflets, unless extra advertising space is purchased. Level of business transacted is the sole responsibility of the trader. Branding by the Exhibitor should be in keeping with the style of the Show.

Site: Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitor space requirements, final allocation and location of exhibition space will be at the discretion of the Show Management. The Exhibitor shall report to the check in office and the trade stand supervisor on arrival to be shown the precise location of Stand Space. No cars, trucks or vans may be parked in the exhibition area during the show, unless it is within their stand area. Vehicles must be parked in the exhibitor’s car park, which is adjacent to the trade stand area, provided entry is before 9.00am and exit after 6.00pm.

Stand Space: The Exhibitor shall ensure that all marquees, ropes, signs and other equipment are kept within the Stand Space at all times. The Exhibitor is not permitted to sub-let, transfer or share a Stand Space. Any activities that could infringe on the rights of other exhibitors must be avoided. The Exhibitor shall ensure that no damage is caused to the Site, within the Stand Space. Bark mulch, gravel etc. can only be used if an underlay is firstly placed on the ground. Immediately after the Show, all mulch, gravel etc. must be cleared from the site and disposed of offsite by the exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall not sell refreshments, food or drink for immediate consumption, as this infringes on our catering franchise agreement.

Trading and Selling of Goods: The Tullamore Show will not entertain the trading of goods and services that have not been declared on the official Trade Stand application. Trading and selling goods which may cause harm/issue is strictly forbidden, e.g. pellet guns, knives, balloons, water pistols, etc. Failure to abide by these Terms & Conditions will result in the goods being seized/impounded and the trader in question will be required to leave the Show grounds, Tullamore Show Management will not entertain any claim for refund/rebate of trading fees or associated costs should this situation arise.

Full Documentation: No application will be processed without all the necessary documentation and information (including insurance & indemnity forms) being forwarded before closing date, Friday 21st May 2022.




1. The primary objective of the Show is the improvement of Agriculture and Livestock in all branches.

2. All stock must be bona fide property of the exhibitor.

3. An animal must be in one’s ownership on the day of entry. Confined Classes for residents of Counties Offaly, Laois and Westmeath.

4. Pens will not be provided for exhibits in all cattle classes. Bulls exhibited at the Show must be secured by a ring in the nose, with a strong rope or chain attached. The Society shall have to order the removal of any animal that they consider to be dangerous and shall not be responsible for any injury or damage caused by such animals.

5. With regard to cattle where “pure-bred” stock is mentioned, it is understood that the stock exhibited must be entered in or eligible for entry in the particular Herd Book. In the case of bulls, the date must be stated on entry form.

6. In all classes for heifers, a heifer is classified as a heifer until she has a calf.

7. All animals must be shown at owner’s risk. The Society will not be accountable for any accident, damage or loss of exhibit. It is advisable for the exhibitor to have insurance on his animal.

8. In the interest of safety, the Society will reserve the right to refuse entry or have an animal(s) removed from the Showgrounds during the course of the Show.

9. Exhibitors are to understand that, although every reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals and all other Exhibits, the Society will not be responsible for loss or accident of any kind that may occur. Neither will the Society be accountable for any accident that may occur to any persons attending the Show, whether as a visitor, Exhibitor or otherwise.

10. The Farm and Garden Produce must have been grown on the exhibitor’s land, and a declaration to the effect, signed by two respectable householders living in the immediate locality and approved by the Society, may be required from each prize-winner before prizes are paid.

11. All stock, poultry, produce, etc. must be in the Show before 10am on the morning of the Show.

12. Prizes will be awarded in all classes except Pedigree Classes where there is sufficient merit, Judges will be distinctly instructed to withhold a prize where sufficient merit does not exist. Unless 3 entries are received no 2nd prize will be awarded, unless 5 entries are received no 3rd prize will be awarded in any other class in the horse and cattle section. In other sections, no 2nd prize unless there are 4 entries and no 3rd prize unless there are 6 entries.

13. Any Steward (if Exhibitor) who enters the space in which the adjudication is proceeding while his animal is being judged, may be disqualified from receiving a Prize.

14. The Judge’s decision is final.

15. All prizes disallowed or not awarded shall lapse to the Society.

16. Objections – All objections to the decision of the Judges must be lodged with the Secretary, in writing, accompanied by a fee of €50 for outdoor competitions - €10 for indoor competitions is or are considered to be frivolous.

17. Entries – All descriptions of stock as to age and breed, must be stated when completing entry forms. This is a must especially in respect of qualifiers. Entry forms will be returned if incomplete.

18. Entries will not be acceptable unless accompanied by the requisite entry fee.

19. No refund of entry money once entries have been catalogued.

20. In cases it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Society that the owner or any person in this employment or under his control has been guilty of any violation of the rules or regulations, has made a false statement in the certificate pf entry, or has secured an unfair advantage, the exhibitor shall forfeit all prizes awarded to him/her at the Show, together with all fees paid by him/her and shall be liable to be excluded from competing at this or any future Show of the Society.

21. The Society shall reserve the right of declining or returning any exhibit without incurring any liability. In the event of the Society being unable to accept any entry, notice will be given within six days after the final closing of the entries. The fees lodges will be funded.

22. No refund of entry fees in any class, including Jumping Competition, will be made in the case of entries, which are not sent forward for completion, or which are disqualified from competition for failure to comply with regulations.

23. Judges, or their family members, must not exhibit in sections in which they are judging.

24. Offending persons may be asked to leave, by the chief steward.

25. If an exhibitor gives a judge hassle, he may be disqualified.

26. Only one handler per animal will be allowed in the ring.

27. Judges names will not be disclosed prior to the show.

28. Exhibits may not be removed from the showgrounds before 5pm. Failure to comply may result in loss of prize money.

29. Cup Award – Rosettes in Purple and Yellow. Prize Colours: - 1st - prize Red, 2nd - Blue, 3rd- Yellow.

30. The award of a Rosette or Prize Card does not imply that the entry is entitled to prize money.

31. All exhibits must bear their labels otherwise they will be refused by the stewards.

32. In the Livestock Section – any class for which only one entry is received will be cancelled.

33. Cattle will be unloaded/loaded in specially designated areas by their handler in the interest of safety.

34. All animals must conform to current regulations. Important Notice: NB. Anyone found interfering with any exhibit or disarranging any display will be asked to leave the grounds.

Special Notice: All children’s ridden show pony classes shall be restricted to Mares and Geldings only. No animal shown in saddle classes shall be under three years of age. Mares with a living foal born current season shall not be shown in Saddle Classes. The Society will not be responsible for any loss, damage, and accident or otherwise which may occur to any Exhibitor, Exhibit, Visitor, or Vehicle at the Show. The Show is run under the Rules and Regulation of the Irish Shows Association of Ireland.



The requirements set out below are intended to protect the health of animals at Shows and Sales.
To minimise the risk of exposure to diseases exhibitors should: 

1. Move animals direct from farm to show site.

2. Disinfect the vehicle used to transport animals before and after use.

3. Ensure that the required documentation which should accompany the animals is in order before the date of the show, and contact the local District Veterinary Office when deciding to exhibit at any show.

4. Compliance certs can be downloaded from the Department of Agriculture website


Adults:         Adult (18+) tickets
Student:       Student: 13-17-year olds and third level students. To be eligible for a Student Ticket as a Student you must be between 13 and 17 years of
                     age (ID required for proof of age) or have valid third level student ID and currently be in third level education.

OAP’s:          People aged 66 +. (ID required for proof of age).



  1. By using this ticket, the holder hereof agrees to and accepts all conditions of acceptance contained herein and the organisation.
  2. Ensure your ticket is from an authorised agent only. Those with counterfeit tickets will be refused admission and maybe prosecuted.
  3. It is with regret that we cannot refund or exchange any tickets after purchase. This does not affect our statutory rights. There will be no refunds available on unused tickets. If the ticket holder is refused admission or removed, no money shall be refunded.
  4. Organisers reserve the right to refuse admission to the grounds or any part thereof or to have any persons removed from grounds or to direct the ticket holder to another entry point for public safety reasons, overcrowding or otherwise as the organisers do not accept any liability for loss or damages, consequential or otherwise
  5. Holder consents to a reasonable examination of his/her person and belongings to ensure compliance with all rules and regulations.
  6. Unless written permission is given by the organiser this ticket cannot be used for any promotional purposes.
  7. After purchase the holder of this ticket is responsible for its care. Ticket agents do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage of the ticket.
  8. Full intact ticket required for admission and re-admission may be refused unless prior arrangements have been agreed.
  9. Ticket holder voluntarily assumes all risk and danger of personal injury and responsibility for property loss, destruction or theft and all hazards arising from or relating in any way to the event for which this ticket is issued whether occurring prior to, during or after the event and releases the ticket issuer, the event producer, the facility, the sponsors, and all organisations involved from all liability thereafter save where and to the extent that arises from breach of contract (not due to the Force Majeure) or by the negligent act or omission of said organisations involved.
  10. By purchasing a ticket through the Tullamore Show website, you hereby agree to the Tullamore Show Privacy & Cookies policy as laid out:
  11. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to Tullamore Show using your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We use your data to personalise and improve your experience on our digital platforms, provide products and services you request from us, and carry out profiling and market research.
  12. Purchase of a ticket constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions and regulations. Breach of these regulations and/or terms and conditions shall render the ticket void.
  13. Tullamore Show reserves the right in its sole discretion, to refuse admission to the ticket holder to the ground or any part of the ground, to remove the ticket holder from the ground or to direct the ticket holder to another Entry point.
  14. Upon request from organisers, ticket holders must explain how, from whom, where and for what consideration they obtained their tickets.


1. Application/Acceptance: Applications for Trade Stand space must be made through the official online application process. (Hard copies available on request). The application must be fully completed, and the Exhibitor must agree to accept the relevant terms and conditions. In the event your application is not successful your payment will be returned, but refund for any other reasons will not be considered. Submission of application does not ensure allocation of trade space. Show management reserves the right in its absolute discretion to reject an application for exhibition space, to reduce trade stand allocation, withdraw permission or close an exhibition stand. The Exhibitor accepts that in applying for a stand allocation, he/she accepts that the Tullamore Show Management will not be responsible for any loss of profit, consequential loss or any loss whatsoever arising by reason of their participation at the Show. Exhibitors must obey all the rules of the Tullamore Show and obey any instruction from authorised personnel, before, during and after the show. Any disputes arising out of the conditions laid out by the Tullamore Show, between exhibitors or between the Show management and exhibitors, shall be resolved at the absolute discretion of the Tullamore Show. We will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse towards Show Staff – no benefit to either party.

2. Breach: Any breach of these terms and conditions by the Exhibitor shall, without prejudice to any other remedy available, entitle Show management to cancel the agreement with the Exhibitor and remove or request the immediate removal of the Exhibitor and its property from the site.

3. Catalogue: The Show Management shall not accept responsibility for the content, errors, or omissions in the catalogue.

4. Changes or Cancellations: The Show Management reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion (which shall reference to weather forecasts and ground conditions) to postpone or cancel the Show, make amendments to the parameters of the site or the stand space and/or amend the planned times as set out above. The Show will not be responsible to any exhibitor or person for loss of profit or any consequential loss arising out of the cancellation of the event. The Show shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations pursuant to these terms because of flooding, fire, lighting, explosion, drought, ground conditions, act of God, act of terrorism, war, rebellion, sabotage, strike, disease, or any other event outside reasonable control of the Show management. The Show recommends that insurance cancellation cover be considered by the Exhibitor.

5. Closure of Stands and Exiting: The Exhibitor shall not commence closing its stand until 6.00pm on the day of the Show.

6. Definition: Show means the Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show which is taking place on Butterfield Estate, Blueball, Tullamore on Sunday 13th August 2023.
6.1 Exhibitor means any person or body who/which has entered into an agreement with the Show Management for a trade stand at the Show.
6.2 Fee means the fee specified in the Application and payable to the Show by the Show personnel.
6.3 Stand Space means the trade stand space on Site allocated to the Exhibitor by the Show personnel.
6.4 Show Management refers to the members of the Show Committee which have been allocated general or specific responsibility of managing
the Show or different areas of the Show activities.

7. Documents: Fire Certificate, Insurance and indemnity form must all be provided.

8. Entry of Stand Equipment & Business Times: Access is available from Tuesday 8 th August. All heavy equipment MUST be on exhibition stand by 6.00pm, Friday 11 th August. All access to site will cease from 2.00pm on Saturday 12th August. (NO EXCEPTIONS). DUE TO SAFETY & SECURITY CONSIDERATION, NO REQUEST TO BRING IN STAND EQUIPMENT ON SHOW DAY WILL BE ENTERTAINED, IRRESPECTFUL OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Before Sunday 14th August and after Show Day no children are permitted on Show grounds. The Trade Stand areas will be a PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ONLY AREA after 9.00am on Show Day, Sunday 13th August 2023. The Exhibitor shall ensure that their stand is attended and open for business by 9.00am of the day of the Show. Failing that, the chairman of the trade stand section shall be entitled to reallocate the stand space, with no refund of fees. All trade stands must be open for business from 9.00am to 6.00pm on Show Day. Stands must be completely dismantled and removed no later than Friday 18th August. Security is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Noncompliance of this exit time will carry financial penalties.

9. FAQ’S: Available on website.

10. Fees: The details of the fees are outlined on the Show’s website ( The Exhibitor must pay the required full fees with the initial application. The Exhibitor shall remain liable for the fee if the Exhibitor cancels after application. Cancellation of space is nonrefundable and non-transferable. Bank charges will apply if currency other than the Euro is used. €6.50 will be charged for regular foreign currency. Other options will carry higher charges. Sponsors will receive some exhibition space free of charge, proportionate to their sponsorship contribution. Should additional space be required, payment for this additional space will be necessary. To qualify, sponsors must submit their sponsorship by Friday 19th May 2023.

11. Fundraising, Collection, etc.: The Exhibitor shall not hold raffles or collections for contributions to its funds without prior written consent of the Show management and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulation. Only one official charity is permitted to fundraise each year at the Tullamore Show. Should an Exhibitor be found ‘hosting’ a fundraiser without prior written consent of the Show Management – The Tullamore Show reserves the right to close the entire exhibition stand on the spot for the duration of the Show without refunding the cost of stand or loss of earnings, the exhibitor may also be refused entry to exhibit at any further Tullamore Show.

12. Generators: No power is provided to outdoor trade stands, Exhibitors using generators must ensure that no petrol generators are to be used and safety precautions must be adhered to.

13. Insurance: Public Liability- All Exhibitors must have insurance policies in respect of public liability, with minimum of €2.6 million limit of indemnity, any one incident. A letter from their insurance company confirming their public liability cover and indemnities must be provided. The Exhibitor must ensure that confirmation of their current insurance policy accompanies their Trade Stand application. Under no circumstances will any Exhibitor be admitted to the show grounds without production of this evidence of insurance.

14. Indemnity
: The Exhibitor indemnifies the Show and agents against all, and any liabilities, losses, costs, or expense caused, directly or indirectly, because of any actions or claim by any person of any breach by the Exhibitor of these terms or by act of negligence of the Exhibitor, its employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors, or other persons authorised by the Exhibitor. Confirmation letter must be specifically extended to indemnity the Tullamore Show Society, The Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Event, the Irish Shows Association and Site Owners, against any claim’s losses, damages or injuries that may arise for the durations of the Tullamore Show on 13th August 2023 and including the 10 day period before and after the even which may be required for the setting up and clearing away of exhibitor from the show grounds. Agreement with our terms and conditions also confirms indemnity to the above.
14.1 Limits on Liability: Whilst the Tullamore Show Management will provide General Security for the overall site area, each Exhibitor is responsible for the security of their own exhibition and stand area. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any source whatsoever. The Exhibitor is advised to make adequate arrangements for protection of their exhibits. Each exhibitor should have adequate insurance cover in respect of such damage or loss. The Show Management accepts no liability for damage to property, personal injury, death, or other loss caused to the Exhibitor or its authorised persons. Exhibitors with machinery which could cause injury when in motion or otherwise are required to have adequate safeguards in place to protect the public and especially children.

15. Litter: The Exhibitor shall ensure that their Stand Space is always tidy and be responsible for proper disposal of any litter. The Exhibitor shall leave their Stand Space completely clear of litter, please use skips provided. The Exhibitor shall restore their stand space to its original condition. The Exhibitor shall become liable to pay a fine of €200 for breach of these litter clauses. We suggest you take a picture of your stand before vacating the area.

16. Passes: The number of free admission and vehicle passes relate to the stand area booked – 2 passes per stand space and up to a maximum of 10 passes. The Exhibitor shall ensure that its staff or authorised person always carry proper passes and identification on the site. One vehicle per Exhibitor will be allowed on to the Show grounds for the duration of the Show.

17. Regulations and Health & Safety: The Exhibitor shall comply with all current regulations, including Safety, Health and Welfare Act and the guidance issued by the Health and Safety Authority in relation to it. The Exhibitor shall comply with all directions of the site Safety Officer. All Exhibitors will be responsible for preparing and implementing their own Health and Safety Statement, Emergency Plans & Procedures, Crowd Management Plan, Fire, and responsibilities that are necessary for a company exhibiting at a public event. Extreme caution must be always practised – especially in the livestock area.

18. Sales & Advertising: Only within the exhibitor allocated stand area should they sell, offer for sale, or advertise their goods/services, including the distribution of leaflets, unless extra advertising space is purchased. Level of business transacted is the sole responsibility of the trader. Branding by the Exhibitor should be in keeping with the style of the Show.

19. Site: Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitor space requirements, final allocation and location of exhibition space will be at the discretion of the Show Management. The Exhibitor shall report to the check in office and the trade stand supervisor on arrival to be shown the precise location of Stand Space. No cars, trucks or vans may be parked in the exhibition area during the show, unless it is within their stand area. Vehicles must be parked in the exhibitor’s car park, which is adjacent to the trade stand area, provided entry is before 9.00am and exit after 6.00pm.
19.1 Stand Space: The Exhibitor shall ensure that all marquees, ropes, signs, and other equipment are always kept within the Stand Space. The Exhibitor is not permitted to sub-let, transfer, or share a Stand Space. Any activities that could infringe on the rights of other exhibitors must be avoided. The Exhibitor shall ensure that no damage is caused to the Site, within the Stand Space. Bark mulch, gravel etc. can only be used if an underlay is firstly placed on the ground. Immediately after the Show, all mulch, gravel etc. must be cleared from the site and disposed of offsite by the exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall not sell refreshments, food, or drink for immediate consumption, as this infringes on our catering franchise agreement.

20. Trading and Selling of Goods: The Tullamore Show will not entertain the trading of goods and services that have not been declared on the official Trade Stand applications. Trading and selling goods which may cause harm/issue is forbidden, e.g., pellet guns, knives, balloons, water pistols, etc. Trading/Selling should only take place from the allocated trade stand area. Failure to abide by these Terms & Conditions will result in the goods being seized/impounded and the trader in question will be required to leave the show grounds, Tullamore Show Management will not entertain any claim for refund/rebate of trading fees or associated costs should this situation arise.

Full Documentation: No application will be processed without all the necessary documentation and information (including insurance and indemnity forms) being forwarded before closing date, Friday 19th May2023. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE ALLOCATION OF SPACE.

Rules Governing Exhibits & Instructions to Exhibitors

  1. The primary objective of the Show is the improvement of Agriculture and Livestock in all branches.
  2. All stock must be bona fide property of the exhibitor.
  3. An animal must be in ones ownership on the day of entry. Confined Classes for residents of Counties Offaly, Laois and Westmeath.
  4. Pens will not be provided for exhibits in all cattle classes. Bulls exhibited at the Show must be secured by a ring in the nose, with a strong rope or chain attached. The Society shall have the right to order the removal of any animal that they consider to be dangerous and shall not be responsible for any injury or damage caused by such animals.
  5. With regard to cattle where "pure-bred" stock is mentioned, it is understood that the stock exhibited must be entered in or eligible for entry in the particular Herd Book. In the case of bulls, the date of birth must be stated on the entry form.
  6. In all classes for heifers, a heifer is classified as a heifer until she has a calf.
  7. All animals must be shown at owner's risk. The Society will not be accountable for any accident, damage or loss of exhibit. It is advisable for the exhibitor to have insurance on his animal.
  8. In the interest of safety, the Society will reserve the right to refuse entry or have any animal(s) removed from the Showgrounds during the course of the Show.
  9. The Farm and Garden Produce must have grown on the exhibitors land, and a declaration to that effect, signed by two respectable householders living in the immediate locality and approved by the Society, may be required from each prize-winner before prizes are paid.
  10. All stock, poultry, produce, etc. to be in the Show Yard before 10 a.m. on the morning of the Show.
  11. Prizes will be awarded be in all classes except Pedigree Classes where there is sufficient merit, but the Judges will be distinctly instructed to withhold a prize where sufficient merit does exist. Unless 3 entries are received no 2nd prize will be awarded, unless 5 entries are received no 3rd prize will be awarded unless there are 6 entries.
  12. The judge's decision is final.
  13. All prizes disallowed or not awarded shall lapse to the Society.
  14. Objections - All objections to the decision of the Judges must be lodged with the Secretary, in writing, accompanied by a fee of €50 for outdoor competitions - €10 for indoor competitions, unless otherwise stated, within 1 hour after results. The fees or fees so lodged will be forfeited in cases where the objection or objections is or are considered to be frivolous.
  15. Entries - All descriptions of stock as to age and breed, must be stated when completing entry forms. This is a must especially in respect of qualifiers. Entry forms will be returned if incomplete.
  16. Entries will not be acceptable unless accompanied by the requisite entry fee.
  17. In cases it shall be proved to be the satisfaction of the Society that the owner or any person in his employment or under his control has been guilty of any violation of the rules or regulations, has made a false statement in the certificate of entry, or has secured unfair advantage, the exhibitor shall forfeit all prizes awarded to him/her and shall be liable to be excluded from competing at this or any future Show of the Society.
  18. The Society shall reserve the right of declining or returning any exhibit without incurring any liability. In the event of the Society being unable to accept any entry, notice will be given within six days after the final closing of the entries. The fee lodged will be refunded.
  19. No refund of entry fees in any class, including Jumping Competition, will be made in the case of entries, which are not sent forward for competition, or which are disqualified from competition for failure to comply with regulations.
  20. No steward can officiate in a ring who is an exhibitor in the class under adjudication.
  21. Judges, or their family members, must not exhibit in sections in which they are judging.
  22. Offending persons may be asked to leave, by the chief steward.
  23. If an exhibitor gives any judge hassle, he may be qualified.
  24. Only one handler per animal will be allowed in the ring.
  25. Judges names will not be disclosed prior to the show.
  26. Exhibits may not be removed from the Showgrounds before 5 p.m. Failure to comply may result in loss of prize money.
  27. Cup Award - Rosettes in Purple and Yellow. Prizes Colours: - First Prize - Red, Second - Blue, Third - Yellow.
  28. The award of a Rosette or Prize Card does not imply that the entry is entitled to prize money.
  29. All exhibits must bear their labels otherwise they will be refused by the stewards.
  30. In the Livestock Section - any class for which only one entry is received will be canceled.
  31. Cattle will be unloaded/loaded in specially designated areas by their handler in the interest of safety.
  32. All animals must conform to current regulations.

Department Rules & Regulations

5 May 2022                




  1. Agriculture Show/Fair organisers must notify the SVI at their local RVO of the intention to hold a show and provide the location and proposed dates of the show/event. 
  2. Keeper herd numbers for Agricultural Shows /Fairs must be obtained in advance from Animal Identification and Movement Division, Backweston Administration Building, Stacumny Lane, Celbridge, Co Kildare, W23 X3PH - Telephone (01) 5058882. Requests for a Keeper number for a Show/Fair should be made at least two weeks before the event.  
  3. Exhibitors should apply in good time to the Show Secretary to check any requirements specific to that show.
  4. The Animal Identification and Movement Division has received queries concerning a small number of “Local Fairs”. All such events must be notified to the SVI in the relevant RVO. The SVI will advise on the managements of such events including the procedures to be followed in respect of recording the movement of animals concerned.   
  5. Where a Livestock Mart premises is being used for the purpose of a Show and the Livestock Mart system is being utilised to record the intake and onward movement of the bovine animals to the AIM database a Certificates of Compliance will not be required.
  6. Please ensure you familiarise yourself which the updated criteria set out in Section “Specific Requirements – Cattle “and the application form (NBAS31K) to forward to the RVO when requesting a Certificate of Compliance for movement of bovine to a Show.
  7. Documentation is available @ .  Also see - Data Protection Privacy Notices (



Showground Co-operatives, Agricultural Premises and Livestock Marts

In general movement and mixing of animals presents the greatest risk of the spread of most animal diseases.  For that reason the operators of livestock shows, marts, etc., have a key role to play in ensuring that the disease risks associated with their premises and operations are kept to a minimum.  Specific legal requirements apply in relation to bio-security arrangements.  Adherence to these bio-security arrangements and the guidelines outlined below can have a significant impact on reducing the opportunities for disease transmission. 

Acceptance of animals

  • All keepers must be registered appropriately if presenting animals (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, horses and other equine, exotic/other animals (including Llama, Alpaca)).
  • Under no circumstances should animals that are identified improperly or documented improperly be accepted.

Cleaning / disinfection

  • All areas where animals will be located should be clean and contamination free prior to introducing animals for show purposes.
  • All areas where show animals are congregated, held or have been in contact should be washed down thoroughly and disinfected with an approved disinfectant at the end of each day at a minimum.
  • Keep drinking/feeding troughs clean and free of animal waste or other contaminants.
  • Cleaning and disinfection facilities should be available on site for all transport vehicles delivering/collecting animals.  Shows should enforce the use of these cleaning and disinfection facilities at all times.
  • Ensure that clients, when visiting the premises, wear waterproof footwear (e.g. wellington boots) that can be cleaned and disinfected easily.
  • Provide foot-baths with suitable approved disinfectant at appropriate locations on the premises.
  • Provide facilities for hand washing with liquid soap and for washing down footwear.
  • Provide signs on premises reminding people of the need to minimise the risks of disease transmission and the availability on-site of washing facilities for vehicles and persons.


Identification, documentation and record keeping

  1. Retain a record of the registration number of each vehicle delivering/collecting each consignment of animals.
  2. Maintain a register, in readily accessible form, of all vendors/buyers, including numbers and types of animals involved in each transaction. 
  3. Ensure compliance with all requirements in relation to record keeping and retention of records.
  4. Forward completed Certificates of Compliance in respect of bovines and Sheep or Goat Dispatch Documents to the local Regional Veterinary Office to ensure that the cattle, sheep and goat movement details are recorded on the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) database within 7 days of the Show. Failure to have movements recorded within the required time scale may have implications for the herdkeeper/s involved.   


Suspicious/unusual transactions or movements

Report any suspicious or unusual transactions or movements involving livestock to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine or the Garda Siochana (such information can be provided on a strictly confidential basis). 




Animal Health Status

T.B.- Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme

All animals must come from herds, which are Officially TB free (OTF) (i.e. not restricted) and the herd and relevant animals must have had a clear test within the previous twelve months – this test must be recorded on the Department’s Animal Health Computer System (AHCS). In general, apart from cows, and males over the age of 36 months (see next paragraph) no pre-movement test is required for T.B.  However, it is recommended by the Department that a 30-day pre-movement test for TB should apply to all Shows. Animals which have disclosed inconclusive reactor results are not permitted to be moved for the purpose of exhibition at shows. 


New Animal Health Law Requirements

From the 1st of September 2022 cows, and males over the age of 36 months that move from a show to a different herd must either have been tested in the previous 30 days or the animal and the herd presenting it to the show must have been tested in the previous 6 months prior to movement. If a cow, or a male over the age of 36 months, moves from a show to a different herd and does not meet the above criteria then a TB test must be carried out on the animal concerned within 30 days of its movement into the new herd. If after 30 days, the animal has not been tested, the herd into which it has moved will be restricted and if, after a further 30 days the animal has still not been tested then the entire herd will be listed for a TB test.  


Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)

All bovine animals which were born since 01/01/2013 must have a negative BVD status for BVD virus (not antibody) when moving, including to shows, within the state.  With regard to animals entering the state from abroad including Northern Ireland, it is recommended that these are tested for BVD and evidence of this provided to the show organiser.  Some animals from NI may have been tested in the voluntary phase of the programme there.  It is possible for a declaration of such negative results to be generated from the NI database and provided to the show organiser.


Bovine Identification & Mandatory Electronic Identification of bovines (EID

Mandatory electronic identification of bovines (EID) is being implemented with effect from 1st July 2022. This means that all bovine animals born on or after 1st July 2022 must be identified with 2 official flag tags one of which contains an EID component. All bovines born prior to 1st July 2022 must continue to bear 2 official flag tags as heretofore. There is no mandatory requirement that bovines in this age category bear an official EID tag.  



 All bovines attending shows must be accompanied by their passports.


AIM Notification

  1. The movement of cattle to and from an Agricultural Show /Fairs within the State must be recorded on the Animal Identification and Movement System (AIM).
  2. With effect from 4 February 2019 there is a specific Certificates of Compliance for the “Movement of Bovine from a Single Holding to a Show”.
  3. The herd keeper must obtain the Certificate of Compliance prior to the movement of animals The certificate can be created by (i) applying on-line using their agfood account or (ii) where the keeper is not on line the certificate can be generated by the local RVO following receipt of a completed NBAS 31 K.
  4. The creation of a the certificate is subject to normal criteria such as clear TB test etc.  
  5. A copy of form NBAS 31 K is included at Appendix 1 and will also be available on
  6. When applying for this certificate the destination herd / or Show number is not required. The certificate generated will include an “S” symbol.
  7. The Certificate of Compliance for a Show will continue to be valid for a period of up to 30 days. As is currently the case these can be used for the movement of animal/s to a number of shows during the validity period of the certificate. 
  8. Calves which are less than 10 days cannot be moved to a Show. 
  9. The Movement Notification Section of the Certificate should be completed by the Keeper and the Show Secretary who must clearly indicate the Show Number.  The Show movement should be recorded on the passport.   Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling these requirements lies with the Show Secretary.
  10.  If the animal/s move from the show to a herd other than the source herd, the new destination herd must also sign the certificate.
  11. Completed forms must be sent by the Show Secretary to the local RVO within 7 days of the Show. Failure to have movements recorded within the required time scale may have implications for the herdkeeper/s involved.


Cattle being Imported from Northern Ireland for an Agricultural Show 


Imports from Northern Ireland

It is very important that any proposal to import cattle to a show, including from Northern Ireland, is made known to the local Regional Veterinary Office well in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements outlined below.



The Show premises at which the cattle will reside for the duration of their stay must either be an assembly centre approved for exports or of such a standard as being capable of being approved for such a purpose temporarily.  A fundamental requirement for such premises is that they have surfaces that are capable of being cleaned and disinfected, and have adequate cleaning and disinfection facilities.  Adequate segregation facilities may be required also (see under “Status of Animals” below).


Status of Bovine Animals imported from Northern Ireland for a Show

Cattle from Northern Ireland being moved to a show must be certified in accordance with the normal animal health requirements for intra-community trade in breeding animals including having passed a TB test (export interpretation) during the 30 days prior to export.  


To comply with eligibility requirements for re-importation into Northern Ireland after the show

Cattle cannot mix with any cattle of a lesser health status while at the show. 

This can be achieved in one of two ways:

  1. either the imported animals are kept segregated fully from other cattle at the show which have not been tested, or
  2. all cattle attending the show must have been TB tested (export interpretation) within 30 days.


Documentation Required


  1. Cattle imported to a show from Northern Ireland must be accompanied by an original breeding animal intra-trade health certificate (known as a TRACES certificate) and a passport for each animal. 
  2. A TRACES message, corresponding with the TRACES certificate, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by officials in the dispatching country).
  3. For the return journey, this original certificate must be endorsed by the signature of the official veterinarian of the Department at the show, together with the official stamp of the competent authority and date of endorsement.
  4. A TRACES message will be sent for the return journey also (this will be performed by Department officials attending the show).
  5. In addition, a non-comminglement certificate must be issued by the official veterinarian for the show at or before return, stating that the animal shows no clinical signs of disease and has not been in contact, during its stay at the show/event, with animals of a lesser health status.  The passport must accompany the animal on the return journey also.
  6. CMMS 5 - In such cases and in addition to the above the Keeper/Owner of the animals in conjunction with the Show Secretary must also ensure that a CMMS 5 document is completed and returned to the Animal Identification and Movement Division, Backweston Administration Building, Stacumny Lane, Celbridge, Co Kildare, W23 X3PH detailing those animals imported to take part in the Show. The keeper of the imported animal(s) is required to sign the form when the animal arrives at the Show and provide his/her herd number. Following the Show, the official veterinarian should complete the bottom portion of the CMMS 5 form also confirming that he has stamped the official Health Certificate and that he has issued a Non-Comminglement Certificate. 
  7. A copy of the CMMS 5 form is attached at Appendix 2 and will also be available on the Departments website/from the local RVO.
  8. The Secretary/Keeper should retain a photocopy of the form if required.


Requirement in respect of Cattle being:

  1. Exported to Northern Ireland for an Agricultural Show (and returned)

  2. Consideration regarding export of cattle to an agricultural show within the EU other than Northern Ireland  


  1. Export to Northern Ireland


     a. Cattle moving from Ireland to a Show in Northern Ireland must be recorded on the Departments Animal Identification and Movement database (AIM). 

     b. When the intra-community-trade Certificate is being issued by the local RVO, they will arrange to have the export movement for the animal(s) recorded onto AIM. All cattle must be accompanied by an official TRACES intra-community-trade certificate for bovine animals.

     c. A TRACES message, corresponding with the TRACES certificate, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by Department officials in the RVO). 

Cattle for Breeding and Production

Valid identity card/passport                         -              all animals
Negative TB test (export interpretation)    -              all animals aged over 42 days within 30 days prior to export
Negative BVD test                                         -              animals born on or after January 1st 2013

Note – Normal export rules including the 30 day residency rule will apply. 

  2. Export of cattle to an agricultural show within the EU other than to Northern Ireland

Agreement for the movement and immediate return of cattle to a Show in another country or vice versa currently applies for movements between Ireland and Northern Ireland onlyRequests for cattle from Ireland to attend shows in countries other than Northern Ireland will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


Before the movement of cattle from Ireland to a Show in parts of the EU other than to Northern Ireland takes place, it is imperative to establish that the Competent Authority of the destination country has agreed to put in place the same system for the processing of the documentation as applies to exports to Northern Ireland.  Therefore exhibitors who wish to show cattle at an EU Show other than in Northern Ireland should contact the local RVO at least one month prior to the Show.  

Where the export of cattle from Ireland is agreed with the destination country, the movement of such cattle must be recorded on AIM.   When the official intra-community trade Certificate for bovine animals is being issued by the local RVO, they will arrange to have the export movement of the animal(s) recorded onto AIM.


Process to be followed to ensure that a record is generated to record the return of cattle from a Show to the Home Farm from:

  • Northern Ireland and/or
  • A location within the EU other than to Northern Ireland where applicable/approved in line with the above (additional to those noted below may also be requested where approved).


Documentation required

Following the show, the following must be provided:

  • Original Intra Trade Certificate endorsed and stamped by the official veterinarian at the Show (*may need to be an actual Intra Trade Health Certificate if location other that Northern Ireland)
  • A Non-Comminglement certificate
  • CMMS 6 form: When the animal returns to the home farm, the keeper presents these Certificates to the RVO along with a completed CMMS 6 form stating that the animal has returned from the show.  The RVO can then record the import movement back to the keeper’s     holding on the AIM system. A copy of the CMMS 6 form is attached at Appendix 3 and will also be available on the Departments website/from the local RVO. The Secretary/keeper show should retain a photocopy of the form if required.





All sheep must be identified individually with appropriate ear tags issued in accordance with the requirements of the National Sheep Identification System (NSIS).


Movement Documentation

All consignments of sheep being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document.  Individual details of each sheep in the consignment must be recorded on the document.  Sheep from non-restricted flocks only can be moved to shows.  In the case of flocks restricted following diagnosis of scrapie, sheep possessing the ARR/ARR genotype only may be exhibited[1].  The movement of these ARR/ARR genotype sheep must be accompanied by the relevant movement permit (SCR/10), which can be obtained from the Regional Veterinary Office responsible for the county in which the flock is located. 


AIM Notification

The movement of sheep to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM.  This is done using a copy of the owners sheep dispatch document as follows:

  1. The owner/keeper presents the signed and completed dispatch document to the show secretary who checks it to ensure that it is completed in full.
  2. The show secretary fills in the MART section of the dispatch document with (i) the show number, (ii) the date of the move back to the source holding (iii) stamps it with the show stamp and (iv) signs the dispatch document.
  3. The show secretary then forwards the completed pink section of the dispatch document to the local RVO within 7 days of the show movement.
  4. The show secretary keeps white copy for his/her records.
  5. The source/destination keeper keeps the bottom yellow copy to enter it into their flock register.

Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling this requirement lies with the Show Secretary. 


Flock Register

All movements of sheep to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper’s flock register.

Exports to Northern Ireland

All sheep must be accompanied by a TRACES intra-community trade certificate for ovine animals.  A TRACES message, corresponding with the TRACES certificate, will be sent for each animal or consignment being dispatched to the show (this will be performed by Department officials from the RVO).  Exhibitors are advised to contact the show society in Northern Ireland well in advance of any show to determine the suitability of the show for return of animals (e.g. premises and sheep status), and whether the authorities will have officials and veterinary staff present to supervise and process documentation for animals returning to origin.

Agreement for the movement and immediate return of sheep to a Show in another country or vice versa currently applies for movements between Ireland and Northern Ireland only – it does not apply for movements to Great Britain or further afield.  Movements to shows other than Northern Ireland will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and you should contact your local Regional Veterinary Office at least one month prior to the Show.


Attendance of sheep from scrapie monitored flocks at shows and sales in 2018

Shows between 1st May and 31st October

Sheep from Scrapie Monitored Flocks[2] will be permitted to attend Agricultural Shows taking place between 1st May and 31st October, without restriction or separation from other categories of sheep.


Shows outside of the 1st May and 31st October Period

For shows taking place before 1st May or after 31st October, sheep from Scrapie Monitored or Probationary Flocks must be separated from other sheep as set down below.


  1.  There must be complete separation of Monitored/Probationary sheep from other categories of sheep at the show. Ideally, this would mean a separate entrance and exit for each group, separate loading and unloading areas, separate penning areas for each of the two groups and separate sale rings for each of the two groups.
  2. In locations where all of the above may not be possible, the minimum requirement would be for separation of loading and unloading areas and also of penning areas. The two penning areas should be separated by a sheep-free alleyway at least twelve feet wide. If only one show ring is available, the sheep from the scrapie-monitored flocks must be shown first.


Sales between 1st May and 31st October

Sheep from Scrapie Monitored Flocks will be permitted to attend sales taking place between 1st May and 31st October, without restriction or separation from other categories of sheep.


Sales outside of the 1st May and 31st October Period

For sales taking place before 1st May or after 31st October, sheep from Scrapie Monitored or Probationary Flocks must be separated from other sheep as set down below.


  1. There must be complete separation of the two categories of sheep at the sale (monitored animals including probationary monitored animals and non monitored animals). Ideally, this would mean a separate entrance and exit for each group, separate loading and unloading areas, separate penning areas for each of the three groups and separate sale rings for each of the three groups.
  2. In locations where all of the above may not be possible, the minimum requirement would be for separation of loading and unloading areas and of penning areas also. A sheep-free alleyway should separate the two penning areas at least 12 feet wide.
  3. If only one sale ring is available the procedures set out in the following two options must be adhered to.

    a. The sheep from the Scrapie monitored flocks must be offered for sale first, followed by non-monitored animals or

    b. The ring can be divided by gates into two sections to ensure that each of the two categories of animals is confined to a unique part of the sales ring.





All goats must be identified individually with a pair of approved ear tags bearing the same number, one in each ear, issued in accordance with the requirements of the National Goat Identification System (NGIS).


Movement Documentation

All consignments of goats being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document.  Only goats from herds/holdings that are not under restriction can be moved to shows.


AIM Notification

The movement of goats to and from an Agricultural Show within the State must be recorded on AIM.  This is done using a copy of the keeper’s goat dispatch document as follows:

  1. The owner/keeper presents the signed and completed dispatch document to the show secretary who checks that it is completed in full.
  2. The show secretary fills in the MART section of the dispatch document with (i) the show number, (ii) the date of the move back to the source holding, (iii) stamps it with the show stamp and (iv) signs it.
  3. The show secretary then forwards the completed yellow section of the dispatch document to the local RVO within 7 days of the show movement.
  4. The show secretary keeps white copy for his/her records.
  5. The source/destination keeper keeps the bottom blue copy to enter it into their herd register.

Ultimate responsibility for fulfilling this requirement lies with the Show Secretary. 


Herd Register

All movements of goats to and from shows must be recorded in the keeper’s goat herd register.

Attendance of goats from monitored herds at shows and sales in 2018


Shows between 1st May and 31st October

Goats from Scrapie Monitored Herds will be permitted to attend Agricultural Shows taking place between 1st May and 31st October, without additional controls or separation from other categories of goats.


Shows outside of the 1st May and 31st October Period

For shows taking place before 1st May or after 31st October, goats from Scrapie Monitored or Probationary herds must be separated from other goats as set down below.

1.  There must be complete separation of Scrapie Monitored/Probationary goats from other categories of goats at the show. Ideally, this would mean a separate entrance and exit for each group, separate loading and unloading areas, separate penning areas for each of the two groups and separate sale rings for each of the two groups.


2.   In locations where all of the above may not be possible, the minimum requirement would be for separation of loading and unloading areas and of penning areas also. A sheep free alleyway should separate the two penning areas at least twelve feet wide. If one show ring only is available, the goats from the Scrapie monitored herds must be shown first.


Sales between 1st May and 31st October

Goats from Scrapie Monitored Herds will be permitted to attend sales taking place between 1st May and 31st October, without additional controls or separation from other categories of goats.


Sales outside of the 1st May and 31st October Period

For sales taking place before 1st May or after 31st October, goats from Scrapie Monitored/Probationary Herds must be separated from other goats as set down below.


  1. There must be complete separation of the two categories of goats at the sale (monitored animals including probationary monitored animals and non monitored animals). Ideally, this would mean a separate entrance and exit for each group, separate loading and unloading areas, separate penning areas for each of the three groups and separate sale rings for each of the three groups.
  2. In locations where all of the above may not be possible, the minimum requirement would be for separation of loading and unloading areas and also of penning areas. A goat free alleyway should separate the two penning areas at least twelve feet wide.
  3. If only one sale ring is available the procedures set out in the following two options must be adhered to.

    a. The goats from the Scrapie monitored herds must be offered for sale first, followed by non-monitored animals or
    b. The ring can be divided by gates into two sections to ensure that each of the two categories of animals is confined to a unique part of the sales ring

For enquiries regarding the NGIS, please contact the Sheep and Goat Identification and Movement Section, AIM Division on. 01 5058723.




All pigs must be identified by means of an approved ear tag on movement off the holding. Breeding stock must be individually identified i.e. the letters IE, a five character herd registration and an individual number, while other stock are required to have a herd identification i.e. the letters IE and a five character herd registration.


Movement Documents

All consignments of pigs which are being moved must be accompanied by a completed dispatch document. The dispatch document should reflect the movement to and from the show.  The owner of the animal(s) retains all three copies of the document.


Animal Health Status – Aujeszky’s Disease

Ireland is now officially recognised as being free from Aujeszky’s Disease. Therefore pigs from any pig holding may be sent to shows.


Export of Pigs to Shows

Exhibitors are asked to contact the NPITS help-line (details below) if they wish to show pigs at an Agricultural Show in another Member State.


Movement Notification

The movement of pigs to and from shows must be notified by phone to the central movement database on 0818 191000.  Notification of movements to a show must be made at least 24 hours before the movement takes place. Movements of pigs into the herd on return from a show must be made within 24 hours of the pigs returning to the holding. 


NPITS Help-line

For assistance on any aspect of the National Pig Identification and Tracing System (NPITS), contact the NPITS help-line on 01-5058881.


Requirement to register pig shows in advance with the Department

Shows must be notified to the Department to ensure that they are recorded on the central database.  Accordingly it is not possible to accept movement notifications for unlisted shows.  Thus if an exhibitor intends to show pigs, even small numbers of pigs on a “once off” or an irregular basis, at shows, it is important to check that such shows have been notified to the Department.

An exhibitor can check if a show is listed and recorded on the central database of the Department by contacting the Department help–line on 01-5058881.



Restrictions on the movement of poultry and captive birds may vary depending on the international and local situation with regard to Avian Influenza.  Therefore Show organisers should contact the local RVO prior to organising an event to confirm whether any restrictions are in place at the time of the show.

Further information is available at



Premises Registration

As from 1 May 2012, any premises (which includes shows, fairs and markets) where horses or other equines are gathered must be registered with the Department. Owners/persons in charge of such gatherings are required to submit a completed application form for registration and to keep records of movements on/off their premises.

Records must be retained for at least 3 years as they may be required by the Department for the purposes of tracing disease. Records required are 

  • The name and address of the owner/person in charge of the premises from which the equine came;
  • The premises registration number from which the equine came and
  • Passport number/UELN number of the animal


It is important therefore that Show organisers should contact their local Regional Veterinary Office in advance so that consideration can be given to compliance with the requirements outlined above.

Further information is available at: - Application for registration of an Equine Premises under the Control on Places where Horses are Kept Regulations 2014.

Equine Identification

All Equines (which include horses, ponies and donkeys) must be identified in accordance with EU and national legislation.

  • It is an offence to be in possession of an equine that is not properly identified. 
  • Equine passports must be issued by approved Passport Issuing Organisations [PIOs] not later than 12 months from the date of birth of the animal and, in any event before the equine leaves the establishment of birth for a period exceeding 30 days, except in limited circumstances.  The passport is valid for the lifetime of the animal.  A list of the PIOs approved by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine is set out in Appendix 4.
  • Microchip - all equines issued with a passport after 1st July 2009 must have a corresponding microchip implanted by a veterinarian, the details of which are recorded in the passport and in the central equine database, thereby creating a link between the passport and the animal.

In respect of each equine in his/her care, a keeper must ensure that

  •  the equine is registered with an approved PIO;
  • the animal’s passport is issued in accordance with EU and national legislation;
  • he/she is in compliance with the provisions of the legislation whereby the passport issued in respect of the equine must accompany the animal whenever it is moved to events such as shows, sales and to slaughter plants, etc.

Further information is available from Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, - at Livestock Breeding, Production and Trade Division, Farnham St, Cavan (Phone +353 49 4368200) in respect of studbook equines and from Animal Identification and Movement Division, Backweston Administration Building, Stacumny Lane, Celbridge, Co Kildare, W23 X3PH (Phone +353 1 5058881) in respect of equines that do not qualify for entry into a studbook.


SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – Exotic/Other Animals (including Llama, Alpaca)


Show organisers are reminded of the need to comply with the code of practice on biosecurity and cleansing and disinfection measures as set out earlier in this document for all animals which are to be presented at a show.   

A full list of exhibitors should also be maintained for all animals present.

Llama and Alpaca (camelids /even toed ungulates) –  TB Animal Health Status / other

  1. These animals should not be accepted at a show if they are from a farm or holding on which the bovine herd is restricted for TB.

    In addition
  2. Llamas/Alpaca attending the shows from Northern Ireland must be accompanied by a Directive 92/65EC health certificate issued by DAERA (or DEFRA - England or Seerad - Scotland). In addition these animals should not mingle with animals not similarly certified whilst at the show.

For further enquiries regarding the showing of exotic/other species, show organisers should contact the Veterinary Inspectorate in the local Regional Veterinary Office prior to organising an event to confirm whether any further restrictions or requirements are in place at the time of the show.


ISA Rules & Regulations

General Championship Rules for 2022

Eligibility of Show


Shows wishing to participate in the 2022 Championships and be eligible to hold qualifiers must have collected the Championship Fund (currently 5%) from Horse, Pony, Cattle & Sheep class prize money for

the previous year and forwarded the amount so collected, in full, to the Irish Shows Association within the stipulated period of not more than 30 days from the date of the show. Alternative methods of meeting this obligation are not acceptable.

Any show or competitor in breach of the rules set out below will be disqualified from participating or competing in these Championships.

These General Rules and those relating to individual championships (where applicable) should be published in the show schedule and catalogue of the participating shows and must be strictly observed.

Qualifying Rounds: (Qualifiers)

Qualifying rounds will take place at shows designated by the Irish Shows Association.

Responsibility of Shows holding Qualifying Rounds:

  1. Selected Shows should hold a separate class for each qualifier from which the highest placed animals will qualify.
  2. The Qualifier class should be held as the first (1st) class in the relevant section of the show.
  3. Shows must ensure that the qualifiers are held strictly in accordance with the relevant Rules.
  4. No other sponsor may be involved in qualifying classes.
  5. Shows may charge an entry fee for each qualifying class. The I.S.A. will award a rosette to the successful animal(s) on appearance at the final.
  6. No show hosting a Championship Final may hold a qualifying class for that championship on the day of the final other than by agreement with the Irish Shows Association. However, Shows who hold qualifiers for Horses, Ponies & Cattle may ask exhibitors to enter the exhibit in at least one other class at their show on the day.
  7. Animals qualified for finals are not eligible to enter in any other show class where the final is held, other than a qualifying class for another Championship.
  8. Shows should appoint competent, well-briefed persons to act as stewards, who must ensure that only animals (or other exhibits) which are eligible to compete and whose documentation is in order, are allowed to proceed to the judging ring.
  9. Animal Passports & Microchips where applicable should be read by a Veterinary Surgeon appointed by the show.
  10. On completion of judging, Stewards must inform the successful competitors to visit the Secretary's Office at the show within one hour and complete the necessary arrangements for entry to the final.
  11. The show must appoint a well-briefed officer who will be available at the Secretary's Office to assist exhibitors to complete the entry cards for participation in the final and collect the entry fee.
  12. Show Secretaries must forward completed result cards, together with appropriate fees to the Irish Shows Association within three days following the holding of the show.
  13. NB. Shows must return results card marked "No Competition" for any or all of the events for which no animal (or exhibit) has been selected.

Responsibility of Exhibitors

  1. Exhibitors accept that the Judge's decision is final in all cases. Any abuse of Judges will not be tolerated. Where a dispute or case for complaint arises, the matter should only be dealt with under 6 below.
  2. Winners of Qualifiers are themselves responsible for entering their qualifiers (or exhibits) for the final in accordance with 10 & 11 above, within one hour of qualifying.
  3. Winners of qualifiers will compete in the final.
  4. The Irish Shows Association in conjunction with the sponsor reserve the right to alter or amend the rules of the competition as may be necessary where appropriate.
  5. Shows and competitors must contact the ISA for details of any championships and not the sponsor involved.
  6. Objections must be lodged in writing with the I.S.A. representative at the show and the Show Secretary within half an hour following the completion of judging, together with a fee of €50, or other stated fee, which is refundable in the event of the objection being upheld.
  7. Any exhibitor who makes a false declaration or misrepresents a fact regarding themselves or their exhibit are liable to disqualification and/or forfeiture of any prizes awarded.

Responsibilities of Shows hosting Championship Finals:

  1. A deduction of 5% of the prize money will be collected by the show and forwarded to the I.S.A. within 30 days of the Final.
  2. Championship finals must start not later than 2pm on the day of the show and the advertised time must be adhered to as far as possible. If necessary, other show classes should be either postponed or relocated to allow for this.


Irish Law(EU Directive)

Under Irish Law, all horses moving from one location to another must be accompanied by their passports. It is in your own interest to ensure that this is the case. Failure to do so is an offence under Irish Law and is liable on summary conviction to result in a fine of up to €3,000. All passports must be registered with the name of the current owner.

  • Embryo Transfer: Where a foal is produced by this method, the dam's passport must bear a declaration dated, stamped, and signed by the stallion owner (or accredited practitioner where AI is involved) stating the date on which the dam was last covered (or inseminated) and the name of the covering stallion.
  • The owners of Champions and Reserve Champions are invited to submit the animals' passports to the ISA head office where the placing will be endorsed and officially stamped with the seal if the ISA as a permanent record.
  • It is in the interest of shows hosting championship finals that photographs and results are forwarded to the Irish Farmers Journal immediately following judging.

Section Rules & Regulations

Dairy Section

Department of Agriculture personnel will be checking Certificates of Compliance before entry is allowed to show grounds.
1. Tullamore Show Society are adopting the IHFA Showing Rules in all Friesian classes.
2. A Certificate of registration is required for all Pedigree Cattle and it should be available, if required, on Show Day, 9th August 2020.
3. All classes except the confined classes will be National Livestock Classes.
4. First prize winners in National Classes will receive a Rosette and specially commissioned National Livestock Show Medallion in addition to a cash prize.
5. The Champion of each Breed will receive a Sash, Rosette and the Gold Medal. The Reserve of each Breed will receive a Rosette and the Silver Medal.
6. Overnight accommodation is only accessible from 12.00 pm on Friday, 7th August 2020. Washing facilities are available on site. Show ground’s open from 06.45am on Show morning 9th August.
7. On Show Day, livestock must be stalled-up in the designated areas and not left in trailers nor the overnight shed.
8. Exhibitors erecting gazebos are responsible for their secure erection and stability at all times. 9. Exhibitors whose animals remain in the Overnight Shed after 10.00 am on Show Day will forfeit their prize money (if applicable).
10. Animals must be halter trained.
11. All Champions and Reserve Champions must take part in the Parade of Champions (at 4.30 pm approx.) when the Presentation of the Gold & Silver medals takes place. Prize money may be forfeited if exhibits are not presented.
12. Please note that livestock issues are on the inside of the back cover of this schedule and the general rules are at the end of the schedule.
Important Notice to Animal Owners involved in Showing Animals.
The Irish Shows Association would advise all animal owners to have their animals insured and to have the insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it costs very little or nothing at all, depending on whom you have insurance with.

N.B. Please Note Livestock Issues inside the Back Cover and General Rules at the end of the Schedule.

Please note that, due to our restricted facilities in the livestock area, at this stage we are unfortunately unable to accommodate livestock to which the Export Health Regulations apply. (See back of Schedule.)

Pedigree Section

Department of Agriculture personnel will be checking Certificates of Compliance before entry is allowed to show grounds.
1. All pedigree animals entered in this section must be registered with the relevant Breed Society.
2. All pedigree certificates must be produced on Show day.
3. Any animal not presented properly may be refused entry to their class(es).
4. All classes, except those confined, are National Livestock Show Classes.
5. The qualifying criteria for classes confined to Laois/ Offaly/ Westmeath will be the address appearing on the Pedigree Certificate.
6. Exhibitors entering in classes confined to Laois/ Offaly/ Westmeath must have entered in at least one other class in the Section.
7. Washing facilities are available on the Show ground. Site open from 06.30am.
8. Exhibitors erecting gazebos are responsible for their secure erection and stability at all times. 9. 1st Prize winners in the National Classes will receive a specially commissioned National Livestock Show Medallion plus prize money.
10. All Champions and Reserve Champions must take part in the Parade of Champions (at 4.30 pm approx.) when the Presentation of Gold and Silver medals and Rosettes takes place. Prize money may be forfeited if exhibits are not presented.
11. Please note Livestock Issues inside the Back Cover and Overnight Accommodation and General Rules at the end of the Schedule.

The Irish Shows Association would advise all animal owners to have their animals insured and to have the insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it costs very little or nothing at all, depending on whom you have insurance with.
The reason for this advice is that if your animal lashed out and injured someone or damaged someone’s property and it was established that your animal was out of your control at that time, you may be held responsible or partly responsible for any injury or damage caused and you may end up paying all or part of any settlement reached.

Please note that, due to our restricted facilities in the livestock area, at this stage we are unfortunately unable to accommodate livestock to which the Export Health Regulations apply. (see back of Schedule)

N.B. Please Note - Livestock Issues inside the Back Cover and General Rules.
N.B. No livestock allowed overnight accommodation in tie up lines.

Commercial Cattle Section

Department of Agriculture personnel will be checking Certificates of Compliance before entry is allowed to show grounds.
1. Complete animal tag number and date of birth must be entered on the entry form for all commercial cattle classes together with herd number.
2. All animals must be led by a competent handler and must be halter trained.
3. Specially commissioned Gold Medals are being awarded to the Section Champions and Silver Medals to the Reserve Champions.
4. All Champions and Reserve Champions must take part in the Parade of Champions (4.30 pm approx.) when the Presentation of the Gold & Silver Medals takes place. Prize money may be forfeited if exhibits are not presented.
5. All classes in this section are National Livestock Classes, except Qualifiers.
6. 1st prize winners in each National Livestock class receive a Special Medallion.
7. Animals in the Commercial Cattle Section can enter all relevant classes. However, when an animal wins 2 x 1st Prizes, this animal is then excluded from all other relevant classes on the day
8. In relation to rule (7) above, this does not apply to classes 269/270.
9. Animal passports may be checked for breed X classes.
10. Exhibitors erecting gazebos are responsible for their secure erection and stability at all times. 11. No branding/advertising allowed on animals being exhibited.
12. Animals registered with Breed Societies cannot be exhibited in the Commercial Cattle Section.
13. No late entries accepted.
Notes – Special Interests
• Two rings will operate most of the day.
• For factory beef competitions an alternative judge will judge these classes.
• All animals exhibited in 286 & 295 classes must be from producers certified under the Bord Bia
Quality Assurance Scheme.
• The maximum weight for calves in breed X classes is 360kg, except class 270. We have two Limousin X Calf classes. These classes offer a Limousin Male X Calf weighing up to 400kg and a Limousin Female X Calf weighing up to 360kg.
This year have two new Beef Shorthorn Classes which offer a Best Beef Shorthorn X Bullock with not more than 2 Permanent teeth and Best Beef Shorthorn X Heifer with not more than 2 Permanent teeth.
• Class for the Best Beef Animal of the Future, for all heifer calves up to 385kg and male calves up to 425kg.
• We also have two young stock person of the year classes for 12 to 16 years and 17 to 26 years on show day.
• National Livestock Show Calf Champion and Reserve from 1st prize winners in the calf classes.
• National Livestock Show Senior Champion and Reserve from 1st prize winners in the senior classes.
Please show courtesy to stewards, judges and fellow competitors.

N.B. Please Note - Livestock Issues and General Rules at the Back of the schedule.

The Irish Shows Association would advise all animal owners to have their animals insured and to have the insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it costs very little or nothing at all, depending on whom you have insurance with.

The reason for this advice is that if your animal lashed out and injured someone or damaged someone’s property and it was established that your animal was out of your control at that time, you may be held responsible or partly responsible for any injury or damage caused and you may end up paying all or part of any settlement reached.

Please note that, due to our restricted facilities in the livestock area, at this stage we are unfortunately unable to accommodate livestock to which the Export Health Regulations apply. (see back of Schedule)
Judging starts at 10.00 am in Rings 3 & 4.
All calf classes in Ring 3.
Weighing scales provided by O'Donovan Engineering, Coachford, Co.Cork
Weighing of Animals for Calf Classes and relevant Beef Championship
• Only one weighing per animal will be allowed
• Animal to be handed over to the Show Steward for weighing and then collected outside barrier
• Calves in incorrect class will be re-entered into the correct class
• Weighing starts at 7.30 am and finishes at 9.30 am

Sheep Section

Dispatch documents will be required and will be inspected by the Department of Agriculture officials.
1. All pedigree animals entered in the Sheep Section must be registered with the relevant breed society or association.
2. All sheep must be tagged and have a completed dispatch docket.
3. Record of Movement must be recorded on owners' dispatch dockets.
4. Sheep from both scrapie and non-scrapie monitored flocks are permitted to attend.
5. Animals being exhibited in the Commercial Sheep Section cannot be exhibited in the Pedigree classes on Show Day.
6. Only cataloged entries can be exhibited on Show Day.
7. All animals must be correctly tagged. (Note Department Rules at the end of the Schedule.)

The Irish Shows Association would advise all animal owners to have their animals insured and to have the insurance cover extended to cover them while showing animals at Shows. We understand that it costs very little or nothing at all, depending on whom you have insurance with. The reason for this advice is that if your animal lashed out and injured someone or damaged someone’s property and it was established that your animal was out of your control at that time, you may be held responsible or partly responsible for any injury or damage caused and you may end up paying all or part of any settlement reached.

N.B. If exhibitors require rails to divide pens, we advise that they should bring their own stock.
Judging starts at 11.00 am

Sheep Shearing

A limited number of entries may be taken on show day, but pre show entries are advised. Sheep availability will determine.

Sheep Dog Trials

This competition tests both the speed and skill of the handler and the dog. It takes place in an arena measuring 60 x 120 yards. The handler must complete, without error, a prescribed course against the clock. This course consists of driving the sheep around two barrels, in a figure 8, then twice through a Maltese Cross and finally into a pen.

In the Open Class, the eight fastest runs go through to the final.

Start times: Open Class – 11.00 am
Young Handlers - 2.30 pm
Entry Fee: €5 per dog

A demonstration of the skills involved in training a farm dog will be given by Eamon Egan, Teagasc, Co. Roscommon. Eamon has travelled widely in the UK, visiting top handlers and studying their techniques.
Demonstration times: 10.30 am & 3.30 pm

10.30am Demonstration by Eamon Egan
11.00am Open class commences
2.30pm Young Handlers class commences
3.00pm Open Class Final
3.30pm Demonstration by Eamon Egan

Horse Section

No access to Show ground’s for Equestrian Vehicles after 1.00 pm on Show day.
N.B.:Dept. of Agriculture & Food requirements in relation to horses and other equines.
The registration number of premises from which the horses come, together with the passport number of the animal must be given at time of making entry.
N.B.: The Committee reserves the right to alter or amend the show jumping schedule to facilitate the smooth running of the Show.

Horse Showing

All rings commence at 10.00 am sharp.
The Organisers reserve the right to amalgamate or cancel a class with insufficient entries, in all rings.

N.B.: Dept. of Agriculture & Food requirements in relation to horses and other equines.
The registration number of the premises from which horses come, together with the passport number of the animal must be given on the entry form.

Dog Section

1. Judging Commences at 12.00 Noon sharp.
2. All dogs must be led and remain on a lead in the Showground.
3. Each dog can only enter into a maximum of 3 classes.
4. Entries taken online or through the Show Office - see below for closing dates.
5. A puppy Class - confined to dogs over 6 months and under 1 year old. All Classes - confined to dogs over 6 months.
No Entries accepted on Show Day.

Horticulture Section

Marquee Sponsored by: C A Maye, Bridge Centre, Tullamore
The continuing success of the Horticulture and Farm Produce Section since 1991 is due to the unfailing support of our exhibitors who arrive at our marquee loaded down with numerous entries of a superb standard. We owe them an enormous debt of gratitude.

This year there are 122 classes, as well as the following three All Irelands:
1. All Ireland Quality Potato Championship (No Direct Entry).
Class: 677 - Sponsored by Bord Bia
2. All Ireland Collection of Vegetables Championship (Direct Entry).
Class: 651 - Sponsored by Bridge House Hotel and Leisure Centre, Tullamore
3. Single Hybird Tea Rose All Ireland (Direct Entry).
Class: 702 - Sponsored by Mrs. Bly Hutton Bury, Tullamore
Exhibitors may submit exhibits on Saturday evening, 10th August from 6.00pm to 9.00pm and on Sunday morning 11th August, from 7.00am to 10.00am.
Judging starts at 10:00am
Marquee will be open to the public at 12 noon.
Exhibits returned after 5.00pm.
Number of prizes awarded is at the discretion of the judges.
Exhibits displayed at owner’s risk.
Entry Fee: €3 except where otherwise stated
Late Entry Fee: €4 on Show weekend. No admission credits allowed.
No Late entries accepted after 9.30am on Show Morning.
Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10, 4th - €5 except where otherwise stated.

To make the Horticulture and Farm Produce Section more interesting for the public, each entry should be named where possible. In the event of a tie, naming will count.
Closing date for all hardcopy entries is: Friday 6th July 2018
Closing date for all online entries is: Wednesday 18th July 2018
Online entries available on
Cookery & Food Section
1. Entries should be made online at, by post or direct to the Show Office - see below for closing dates.
2. Exhibits must be received before 10.00am on Show Day and will be returned not earlier than 5.00pm and not later than 6.00pm on that day. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any exhibits not collected by 6.30pm on show evening.
3. Attention is drawn to the Rules governing exhibits and exhibitors at the end of the Schedule, especially Rule 10.
4. Exhibits may be sampled.
5. No. of Prizes awarded at discretion of judges.

Marquee opens at 7.30am on show morning, and will close between 10am-12am for judging.

Entry Fee: €3 per exhibit in all classes except Qualifiers and where otherwise stated.
Entries will be accepted on show morning up to 9.30 but the entry fee will be €4 or €5 (No admissions credits allowed)
Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10, 4th - €5 except where otherwise stated.

Crafts & Needlework Section

Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10, 4th - €5 (except Patchwork)

Rules & Conditions for Craft & Needlework:
1. Exhibits previously awarded prizes at Tullamore Show are not eligible.
2. All entries must be the exhibitor's own work and be recently completed.
3. Numbers should be attached to exhibits where possible.
4. Exhibits must be received in the Craft Marquee before 10.00am on Show Day Sunday 9th August 2020 and reclaimed between 5.00pm and 6.00pm.
5. Exhibitors may enter up to a maximum of seven entries in this section.
6. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any exhibits not collected by 6.30pm on show evening.
7. Exhibitors attention is called to the General Rules at the end of the Schedule.
8. These rules apply to all Craft & Needlework classes.

Marquee opens at 7.30am on show morning, and will close between 10am-12am for judging.

Entry Fee: €3 in all classes except where otherwise stated.
Late entries on show day €4, except Junior late entries are €3.
No Late entries accepted after 9.30am on Show Morning.

Art & Photography Section:

1. All entries must be exhibitors' own work and recently completed within the past year.
2. Name, Address and Class Number must be shown clearly on the back of each piece.
3. Entries must be framed or mounted, with hook and string provided for hanging. Entries that are not framed or mounted or without a suitable means of hanging will only be accepted at the discretion of the Chief Steward of the Art & Photography Section.
4. Exhibits must be brought to the Art/Photography Section before 10.00am on Show Day.
5. Entries will be accepted on Show Morning up to 9.30am but an extra €2 will be added to the entry fee (No admission credits allowed)
6. All classes are open.
7. Exhibits must not exceed 800mm x 600mm.
8. Exhibits which may offend may not be displayed.
9. Entries must be collected between 5.00pm and 6.00pm on the day of the Show.
10. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any exhibits not collected by 6.30pm on show evening.

Marquee opens at 7.30am on show morning, and will close between 10am-12am for judging.

Inventions Section

Entry Fee: €20

N.B.: Inventions and modifications to existing inventions are eligible and welcome to enter.
All exhibits will be judged on the show ground on Saturday 8th August 2019, from 10.00am.

Poultry Section

1. Please note that all birds must come from Registered Poultry Premises. Flock no. to be given on entry form. See note at the back of schedule.
2. Cages will be provided for birds, which must be caged before 10:00am when judging commences.
3. Birds cannot be removed before 5:00pm.
4. Marquee opens at 7.30am.

Qualifier Rules & Regulations


The Bridge House Collection of Vegetables All Ireland

Sponsored by The Bridge House, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

Direct Entry to Tullamore Show

Postal entries closing date is 1st July and online entries closing 8th July 2020.


1. The vegetables exhibited should be home grown, by the exhibitor.

2. The collection may contain five (5) kinds of vegetables, three (3) of each kind, apart from beans, peas and potatoes, onions and tomatoes which should have five (5) of each.

3. Cut greenery from the garden, including parsley may be used and will be classified as decoration.

4. The space required is at the discretion of the exhibitor.

5. Points will be awarded for uniformity of size, quality, freshness and artistic appearance of exhibit.

6. Exhibits must be in place by 10.00am on Show Day, Sunday 9th August 2020.

7. Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10am sharp. Marquee will open to the public at 12 noon.

8. Exhibits cannot be removed before 5.00 pm.

Entry Fee: To Final €6

PRIZES: 1st €150 plus Bridge House Trophy: 2nd €125; 3rd €100: 4th €50: 5th €30; 6th €25.

Direct postal entry to Tullamore Show, Church St. Tullamore, Co Offaly.

Online Entries

Class 677: The Irish Shows Association & Tullamore Show Society Present

The Bord Bia All Ireland Quality Potato Championship

Sponsored By: Bord Bia


1. In this competition the produce should be the property of and be grown by the exhibitor

2. Each exhibit is to consist of the following: A dish of 6 potatoes of any variety. The variety to be correctly named. Each tuber should be free from skin blemishes, be true to type, and weigh approximately 6 ozs. (170g).

3. Two exhibits to qualify at each show.

4. This being a quality championship, the adjudicators will favour floury, high dry matter varieties, which are popular with the Irish consumer.

5. These rules should be read in conjunction with the Irish Shows Association Rules.

6. Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10am sharp. Marquee will open to the public at 12 noon.

7. Exhibits cannot be removed before 5.00 pm.

Criteria for judging potatoes available from the Tullamore Show. Tel; 057 93 52141.

Prizes; 1st €250 & Bord Bia Perpetual Trophy & Replica. 2nd €150; 3rd €100; 4th €75; 5th €50; 6th €25.

All qualifiers will receive a special Bord Bia Plaque.

Entry Fee: To Qualifying Show €3. To Final €6

Qualifying Shows

Arva, Barryroe, Bonniconlon, Carnew, Castleblaney, Claremorris, Clonmel, Corofin, Glencolmcille, Grange, Kilgarvan, Longford, Loughrea, Manorhamilton, Meenacross, Mullingar, Oldcastle, Riverstown, Tinahely.

Final: Tullamore & FBD National Livestock Show Sunday 9th August 2020

Class 678: The Irish Shows Association & Tullamore Show Society Present

The Bord Bia, 7 a day Best in Season Kitchen/ Garden All Ireland


In this competition the produce should be the property of and be grown by the exhibitor.

Each exhibit must consist of a display of fruit and vegetables excluding potatoes

Not fewer than 7 kinds

Mixed cultivar permitted to be staged for effect. Foliage and root growth may be trimmed for display purposes, and herbs may be included

The veg and fruit should be displayed within area not larger than 610mm x 610mm (24”x24”)

However, foliage and roots may extend beyond that boundary but not rest on the show bench

Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10am sharp. Marquee will open to the public at 12 noon.

Exhibits cannot be removed before 5.00 pm.


Variety 25 points

Condition and quality 50 point

Overall presentation and attractiveness 25 points

Prizes; 1st €250, 2nd €150; 3rd €100; 4th €75; 5th €50; 6th €25.


Entry Fee: To Qualifying Show €3. To Final €6

Final: Tullamore & FBD National Livestock Show Sunday 9th August 2020

Class 702: Tullamore Show Society presents the Single Rose All Ireland

Sponsored by: In Memory of Mrs Bly Hutton-Bury, Brookfield, Tullamore

This is a Direct Entry All Ireland Championship

Postal entries closing on 1st July and online entries closing on the 8th July 2019.

Rules & Conditions

Each exhibit should consist of the following: One single rose

Conditions of stem and foliage to be take into account

In this competition, the exhibit must be the property of and be grown by the exhibitor.

Exhibitor must use vases provided by the Show Society

Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10am sharp. Marquee will open to the public at 12 noon.

Exhibits should not be removed before 5pm

Direct postal entry to Tullamore Show, Church St. Tullamore, Co Offaly.

Online entries through:

Prizes: 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €25

The Irish Shows Association & Tullamore Show Society presents

Class 781: The Odlums All Ireland Home Baking Championship

Sponsored by: Odlums

Rules & Conditions:

Each competitor must bake the four items listed using Odlums products:

Decorated Chocolate Cake 8” (20cm) round

6 Almond Bakewell Slices

6 Roasted Balsamic, Red Onion & Goats Cheese Tartlets

N.B. All recipes can be found on the Odlums website.

Items to be displayed on individual plates and each exhibitor will be allocated their own space (trays optional) on a base 24” Square.

Points will be awarded for taste, texture, appearance of baked items and presentation.

In the event of an objection and following an investigation, and if the exhibitor is deemed to be making their living from their profession, they may be disqualified.

with one entry per exhibitor at the final. Prior to Show day as Qualifiers come in checks may be made. We want to eliminate a full time professional and not the person that sell the cakes at a market, once a week

The items must be fresh, and home baked by exhibitor.

A special class will be held at each qualifying show. Two entries may qualify from these shows for the final, if judges agree that the standard is high enough. The Qualifiers from each of these shows will go forward to the final, to be held at the Tullamore Show, on Sunday August 9th.

None adherence to tray sizes & Cakes Sizes will deem elimination of exhibit.

All items will be cut and/or sampled by the judge.

Each of the successful qualifiers will receive a hamper containing Odlums products, on appearance at the final.

Certificates will be awarded to the finalists.

The judge’s decisions at all stages of the competition, IS FINAL.

Exhibits are displayed at owner’s risk

These rules should be read in conjunction with the Irish Shows Association Rules

Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10am sharp. Marquee will open to the public at 12 noon and exhibits may not be removed before 5pm

Entry Fee: To qualifying show: €

3 To Final: €6

Prizes: 1st €300+ Trophy, Goods in kind, 2nd €200 + Goods in kind, 3rd €100 + Goods in kind, 4th €60, 5th €60, 7th €60, 8th €60

Qualifying shows

Adamstown, Armagh, Athlone, Barryroe, Bonniconlon, Carnew, Castleblaney, Castlerea, Castlewellan, Claremorris, Clogher Valley, Clonmel, Cork, Corofin, Corrandulla, Ennistymon, Kilgarvan, Longford, Manorhamilton, Mullingar, Newry, Oldcastle, Omagh, Riverstown, Tinahely, Tralee

Tullamore Show Society Presents

Class 836:The Odlums Youth All Ireland Home Baking Championship

Sponsored by: Odlums

This is a Direct Entry All Ireland Championship.

Postal entries closing on 1st July and online entries closing on 8th July 2020

Rules & Conditions:

Each exhibitor will bake all items listed below using Odlums products:

Hedgehog Novelty Cake 7.5” or 9cm Sandwich Tin

6 Chocolate Chip Cookies

Healthy Bread (BAKED IN 900g / 2lb loaf tin)

N.B. All recipes can be found on the Odlums website.

The items to be displayed on individual plates and each exhibitor will be allotted their own space. On a base not more than 18” Square.

Points will be awarded for texture, taste and appearance of baked items and presentation.

Competition is opened to youths 18 years and under, both male and female, with one entry per exhibitor at the show.

The items must be fresh, and home baked by the exhibitor.

All items will be cut and sampled on the day by the judge.

Judges decisions will be final at the competition.

Prize winners will be presented with a certificate and relevant prize.

Exhibits are displayed at owner’s risk.

None adherence to specific sizes allocated will deem elimination of exhibit.

Marquee open from 7.30am on show morning and will be closed for judging at 10am sharp. Marquee will be open to the public at 12 noon and exhibits may not be removed before 5pm.

Prizes: 1st €100 and Goods in Kind, 2nd €75, 3rd €50, 4th, 5th &6th €25.


The Fleetwood Paints All Ireland Amateur Painting Competition

Kindly Sponsored by Fleetwood Irelands Paint Company

 Rules & Conditions

Paintings must be the sole work of the exhibitor who must have amateur status.

Paintings to depict an Agricultural or Rural setting.

Paintings must measure no more than 26”X 20” not including the frame.      

All Paintings must be ready to hang, that is framed and with a hanging cord attached.

The Judges decision will be final

All entries to be exhibited at owners risk

All entries to have amateur status as defined by the following.

a. Not to have had a commercial solo exhibition

b. Not to have exhibited in a commercial gallery

c. Not to be teaching or have taught art in any form

To avoid any confusion would exhibitors please print their name & phone No on a label & attach to back of Painting

These rules should be read in conjunction with the I.S.A Rules

Entry Fee: To qualifying Show €3.  To Final €6

PRIZES:  1st: €300   2nd: €200   3rd: €100.  4th: €50. 

Qualifying Shows

Clogher- Valley

Direct postal entry to Tullamore Show, Church St, Tullamore, Co Offaly.

Online entries through

Direct postal entry to Secretary, Tullamore Show, Church St. Tullamore or Online Entries


1. Application/Acceptance: Applications for Trade Stand space must be made through the official online application process. (Hard copies available on request). The application must be fully completed, and the Exhibitor must agree to accept the relevant terms and conditions. In the event your application is not successful your payment will be returned, but refund for any other reasons will not be considered. Submission of application does not ensure allocation of trade space. Show management reserves the right in its absolute discretion to reject an application for exhibition space, to reduce trade stand allocation, withdraw permission or close an exhibition stand. The Exhibitor accepts that in applying for a stand allocation, he/she accepts that the Tullamore Show Management will not be responsible for any loss of profit, consequential loss or any loss whatsoever arising by reason of their participation at the Show. Exhibitors must obey all the rules of the Tullamore Show and obey any instruction from authorised personnel, before, during and after the show. Any disputes arising out of the conditions laid out by the Tullamore Show, between exhibitors or between the Show management and exhibitors, shall be resolved at the absolute discretion of the Tullamore Show. We will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse towards Show Staff – no benefit to either party.

2. Breach: Any breach of these terms and conditions by the Exhibitor shall, without prejudice to any other remedy available, entitle Show management to cancel the agreement with the Exhibitor and remove or request the immediate removal of the Exhibitor and its property from the site.

3. Catalogue: The Show Management shall not accept responsibility for the content, errors, or omissions in the catalogue.

4. Changes or Cancellations: The Show Management reserves the right, at its reasonable discretion (which shall reference to weather forecasts and ground conditions) to postpone or cancel the Show, make amendments to the parameters of the site or the stand space and/or amend the planned times as set out above. The Show will not be responsible to any exhibitor or person for loss of profit or any consequential loss arising out of the cancellation of the event. The Show shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations pursuant to these terms because of flooding, fire, lighting, explosion, drought, ground conditions, act of God, act of terrorism, war, rebellion, sabotage, strike, disease, or any other event outside reasonable control of the Show management. The Show recommends that insurance cancellation cover be considered by the Exhibitor.

5. Closure of Stands and Exiting: The Exhibitor shall not commence closing its stand until 6.00pm on the day of the Show.

6. Definition: Show means the Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show which is taking place on Butterfield Estate, Blueball, Tullamore on Sunday 13th August 2023.
6.1 Exhibitor means any person or body who/which has entered into an agreement with the Show Management for a trade stand at the Show.
6.2 Fee means the fee specified in the Application and payable to the Show by the Show personnel.
6.3 Stand Space means the trade stand space on Site allocated to the Exhibitor by the Show personnel.
6.4 Show Management refers to the members of the Show Committee which have been allocated general or specific responsibility of managing
the Show or different areas of the Show activities.

7. Documents: Fire Certificate, Insurance and indemnity form must all be provided.

8. Entry of Stand Equipment & Business Times: Access is available from Tuesday 8 th August. All heavy equipment MUST be on exhibition stand by 6.00pm, Friday 11 th August. All access to site will cease from 2.00pm on Saturday 12th August. (NO EXCEPTIONS). DUE TO SAFETY & SECURITY CONSIDERATION, NO REQUEST TO BRING IN STAND EQUIPMENT ON SHOW DAY WILL BE ENTERTAINED, IRRESPECTFUL OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Before Sunday 14th August and after Show Day no children are permitted on Show grounds. The Trade Stand areas will be a PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ONLY AREA after 9.00am on Show Day, Sunday 13th August 2023. The Exhibitor shall ensure that their stand is attended and open for business by 9.00am of the day of the Show. Failing that, the chairman of the trade stand section shall be entitled to reallocate the stand space, with no refund of fees. All trade stands must be open for business from 9.00am to 6.00pm on Show Day. Stands must be completely dismantled and removed no later than Friday 18th August. Security is the responsibility of the exhibitor. Noncompliance of this exit time will carry financial penalties.

9. FAQ’S: Available on website.

10. Fees: The details of the fees are outlined on the Show’s website ( The Exhibitor must pay the required full fees with the initial application. The Exhibitor shall remain liable for the fee if the Exhibitor cancels after application. Cancellation of space is nonrefundable and non-transferable. Bank charges will apply if currency other than the Euro is used. €6.50 will be charged for regular foreign currency. Other options will carry higher charges. Sponsors will receive some exhibition space free of charge, proportionate to their sponsorship contribution. Should additional space be required, payment for this additional space will be necessary. To qualify, sponsors must submit their sponsorship by Friday 19th May 2023.

11. Fundraising, Collection, etc.: The Exhibitor shall not hold raffles or collections for contributions to its funds without prior written consent of the Show management and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulation. Only one official charity is permitted to fundraise each year at the Tullamore Show. Should an Exhibitor be found ‘hosting’ a fundraiser without prior written consent of the Show Management – The Tullamore Show reserves the right to close the entire exhibition stand on the spot for the duration of the Show without refunding the cost of stand or loss of earnings, the exhibitor may also be refused entry to exhibit at any further Tullamore Show.

12. Generators: No power is provided to outdoor trade stands, Exhibitors using generators must ensure that no petrol generators are to be used and safety precautions must be adhered to.

13. Insurance: Public Liability- All Exhibitors must have insurance policies in respect of public liability, with minimum of €2.6 million limit of indemnity, any one incident. A letter from their insurance company confirming their public liability cover and indemnities must be provided. The Exhibitor must ensure that confirmation of their current insurance policy accompanies their Trade Stand application. Under no circumstances will any Exhibitor be admitted to the show grounds without production of this evidence of insurance.

14. Indemnity
: The Exhibitor indemnifies the Show and agents against all, and any liabilities, losses, costs, or expense caused, directly or indirectly, because of any actions or claim by any person of any breach by the Exhibitor of these terms or by act of negligence of the Exhibitor, its employees, directors, agents, sub-contractors, or other persons authorised by the Exhibitor. Confirmation letter must be specifically extended to indemnity the Tullamore Show Society, The Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Event, the Irish Shows Association and Site Owners, against any claim’s losses, damages or injuries that may arise for the durations of the Tullamore Show on 13th August 2023 and including the 10 day period before and after the even which may be required for the setting up and clearing away of exhibitor from the show grounds. Agreement with our terms and conditions also confirms indemnity to the above.
14.1 Limits on Liability: Whilst the Tullamore Show Management will provide General Security for the overall site area, each Exhibitor is responsible for the security of their own exhibition and stand area. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from any source whatsoever. The Exhibitor is advised to make adequate arrangements for protection of their exhibits. Each exhibitor should have adequate insurance cover in respect of such damage or loss. The Show Management accepts no liability for damage to property, personal injury, death, or other loss caused to the Exhibitor or its authorised persons. Exhibitors with machinery which could cause injury when in motion or otherwise are required to have adequate safeguards in place to protect the public and especially children.

15. Litter: The Exhibitor shall ensure that their Stand Space is always tidy and be responsible for proper disposal of any litter. The Exhibitor shall leave their Stand Space completely clear of litter, please use skips provided. The Exhibitor shall restore their stand space to its original condition. The Exhibitor shall become liable to pay a fine of €200 for breach of these litter clauses. We suggest you take a picture of your stand before vacating the area.

16. Passes: The number of free admission and vehicle passes relate to the stand area booked – 2 passes per stand space and up to a maximum of 10 passes. The Exhibitor shall ensure that its staff or authorised person always carry proper passes and identification on the site. One vehicle per Exhibitor will be allowed on to the Show grounds for the duration of the Show.

17. Regulations and Health & Safety: The Exhibitor shall comply with all current regulations, including Safety, Health and Welfare Act and the guidance issued by the Health and Safety Authority in relation to it. The Exhibitor shall comply with all directions of the site Safety Officer. All Exhibitors will be responsible for preparing and implementing their own Health and Safety Statement, Emergency Plans & Procedures, Crowd Management Plan, Fire, and responsibilities that are necessary for a company exhibiting at a public event. Extreme caution must be always practised – especially in the livestock area.

18. Sales & Advertising: Only within the exhibitor allocated stand area should they sell, offer for sale, or advertise their goods/services, including the distribution of leaflets, unless extra advertising space is purchased. Level of business transacted is the sole responsibility of the trader. Branding by the Exhibitor should be in keeping with the style of the Show.

19. Site: Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitor space requirements, final allocation and location of exhibition space will be at the discretion of the Show Management. The Exhibitor shall report to the check in office and the trade stand supervisor on arrival to be shown the precise location of Stand Space. No cars, trucks or vans may be parked in the exhibition area during the show, unless it is within their stand area. Vehicles must be parked in the exhibitor’s car park, which is adjacent to the trade stand area, provided entry is before 9.00am and exit after 6.00pm.
19.1 Stand Space: The Exhibitor shall ensure that all marquees, ropes, signs, and other equipment are always kept within the Stand Space. The Exhibitor is not permitted to sub-let, transfer, or share a Stand Space. Any activities that could infringe on the rights of other exhibitors must be avoided. The Exhibitor shall ensure that no damage is caused to the Site, within the Stand Space. Bark mulch, gravel etc. can only be used if an underlay is firstly placed on the ground. Immediately after the Show, all mulch, gravel etc. must be cleared from the site and disposed of offsite by the exhibitor. The Exhibitor shall not sell refreshments, food, or drink for immediate consumption, as this infringes on our catering franchise agreement.

20. Trading and Selling of Goods: The Tullamore Show will not entertain the trading of goods and services that have not been declared on the official Trade Stand applications. Trading and selling goods which may cause harm/issue is forbidden, e.g., pellet guns, knives, balloons, water pistols, etc. Trading/Selling should only take place from the allocated trade stand area. Failure to abide by these Terms & Conditions will result in the goods being seized/impounded and the trader in question will be required to leave the show grounds, Tullamore Show Management will not entertain any claim for refund/rebate of trading fees or associated costs should this situation arise.

Full Documentation: No application will be processed without all the necessary documentation and information (including insurance and indemnity forms) being forwarded before closing date, Friday 19th May2023. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE ALLOCATION OF SPACE.