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1. The primary objective of the Show is the improvement of Agriculture and Livestock in all branches.

2. All stock must be bona fide property of the exhibitor.

3. An animal must be in one’s ownership on the day of entry. Confined Classes for residents of Counties Offaly, Laois and Westmeath.

4. Pens will not be provided for exhibits in all cattle classes. Bulls exhibited at the Show must be secured by a ring in the nose, with a strong rope or chain attached. The Society shall have to order the removal of any animal that they consider to be dangerous and shall not be responsible for any injury or damage caused by such animals.

5. With regard to cattle where “pure-bred” stock is mentioned, it is understood that the stock exhibited must be entered in or eligible for entry in the particular Herd Book. In the case of bulls, the date must be stated on entry form.

6. In all classes for heifers, a heifer is classified as a heifer until she has a calf.

7. All animals must be shown at owner’s risk. The Society will not be accountable for any accident, damage or loss of exhibit. It is advisable for the exhibitor to have insurance on his animal.

8. In the interest of safety, the Society will reserve the right to refuse entry or have an animal(s) removed from the Showgrounds during the course of the Show.

9. Exhibitors are to understand that, although every reasonable precaution will be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals and all other Exhibits, the Society will not be responsible for loss or accident of any kind that may occur. Neither will the Society be accountable for any accident that may occur to any persons attending the Show, whether as a visitor, Exhibitor or otherwise.

10. The Farm and Garden Produce must have been grown on the exhibitor’s land, and a declaration to the effect, signed by two respectable householders living in the immediate locality and approved by the Society, may be required from each prize-winner before prizes are paid.

11. All stock, poultry, produce, etc. must be in the Show before 10am on the morning of the Show.

12. Prizes will be awarded in all classes except Pedigree Classes where there is sufficient merit, Judges will be distinctly instructed to withhold a prize where sufficient merit does not exist. Unless 3 entries are received no 2nd prize will be awarded, unless 5 entries are received no 3rd prize will be awarded in any other class in the horse and cattle section. In other sections, no 2nd prize unless there are 4 entries and no 3rd prize unless there are 6 entries.

13. Any Steward (if Exhibitor) who enters the space in which the adjudication is proceeding while his animal is being judged, may be disqualified from receiving a Prize.

14. The Judge’s decision is final.

15. All prizes disallowed or not awarded shall lapse to the Society.

16. Objections – All objections to the decision of the Judges must be lodged with the Secretary, in writing, accompanied by a fee of €50 for outdoor competitions - €10 for indoor competitions is or are considered to be frivolous.

17. Entries – All descriptions of stock as to age and breed, must be stated when completing entry forms. This is a must especially in respect of qualifiers. Entry forms will be returned if incomplete.

18. Entries will not be acceptable unless accompanied by the requisite entry fee.

19. No refund of entry money once entries have been catalogued.

20. In cases it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Society that the owner or any person in this employment or under his control has been guilty of any violation of the rules or regulations, has made a false statement in the certificate pf entry, or has secured an unfair advantage, the exhibitor shall forfeit all prizes awarded to him/her at the Show, together with all fees paid by him/her and shall be liable to be excluded from competing at this or any future Show of the Society.

21. The Society shall reserve the right of declining or returning any exhibit without incurring any liability. In the event of the Society being unable to accept any entry, notice will be given within six days after the final closing of the entries. The fees lodges will be funded.

22. No refund of entry fees in any class, including Jumping Competition, will be made in the case of entries, which are not sent forward for completion, or which are disqualified from competition for failure to comply with regulations.

23. Judges, or their family members, must not exhibit in sections in which they are judging.

24. Offending persons may be asked to leave, by the chief steward.

25. If an exhibitor gives a judge hassle, he may be disqualified.

26. Only one handler per animal will be allowed in the ring.

27. Judges names will not be disclosed prior to the show.

28. Exhibits may not be removed from the showgrounds before 5pm. Failure to comply may result in loss of prize money.

29. Cup Award – Rosettes in Purple and Yellow. Prize Colours: - 1st - prize Red, 2nd - Blue, 3rd- Yellow.

30. The award of a Rosette or Prize Card does not imply that the entry is entitled to prize money.

31. All exhibits must bear their labels otherwise they will be refused by the stewards.

32. In the Livestock Section – any class for which only one entry is received will be cancelled.

33. Cattle will be unloaded/loaded in specially designated areas by their handler in the interest of safety.

34. All animals must conform to current regulations. Important Notice: NB. Anyone found interfering with any exhibit or disarranging any display will be asked to leave the grounds.

Special Notice: All children’s ridden show pony classes shall be restricted to Mares and Geldings only. No animal shown in saddle classes shall be under three years of age. Mares with a living foal born current season shall not be shown in Saddle Classes. The Society will not be responsible for any loss, damage, and accident or otherwise which may occur to any Exhibitor, Exhibit, Visitor, or Vehicle at the Show. The Show is run under the Rules and Regulation of the Irish Shows Association of Ireland.



The requirements set out below are intended to protect the health of animals at Shows and Sales.
To minimise the risk of exposure to diseases exhibitors should: 

1. Move animals direct from farm to show site.

2. Disinfect the vehicle used to transport animals before and after use.

3. Ensure that the required documentation which should accompany the animals is in order before the date of the show, and contact the local District Veterinary Office when deciding to exhibit at any show.

4. Compliance certs can be downloaded from the Department of Agriculture website