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1020: Large Fowl Light Soft Feather Female

POULTRY ➤ Poultry Sun 10th Aug 2025
  1. Please note that all birds must come from Registered Poultry Premises. Flock no. to be given on entry form. See note at the back of schedule.
  2. Cages will be provided for birds, which must be caged before 10:00am when judging commences.
  3.  Birds cannot be removed before 5:00pm.
  4. Marquee opens at 7.30am.

Millbrook Foods, Oldcastle
John Dolan, Banagher
Connolly Redmills, Goresbridge, Co Kilkenny 

Moydrum Castle Poultry Farm, Moydrum, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Prizes: 1st - €15, 2nd - €10, 3rd - €8, 4th - €5

Closing date for all hardcopy entries is: Monday 1st July 2024.
Closing date for all online entries is: Friday 5th July 2024.

No Entries accepted on Show Day.

Poultry (Breed Classification)

Section 1: Bantam Hard Feather: Asil, Indian Game, Jubilee Indian Game, Ko-Shamo, Malay, Modern Game, Old English Game, Old English Game (Carlisle), Rumpless Game, Shamo.

Section 2: Bantams Heavy Soft Feather: Australorp, Barnvelder, Brahma, Croad Langshan, Dorking, Faverolles, Frizzle, Maran, New Hampshire Red, Orloff, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Sussex, Sulmtaler, Transalvanian Naked Neck, Wyandotte.

Section 3: Bantams Light Soft Feather: Ancona, Andalusian, Araucana, Araucana Rumpless, Friesian, Hamburgh, Houdan, Kraienkoppe, Leghorn, Minorca, Poland, Scots Dumpy, Scots Grey, Silkie, Spanish, Sumatra Game, Vorwerk, Welsumer, Yokohama.

Section 4: True Bantam: Belgian Bearded, Barbu d'Anvrs, Barbu d'Uccle, Barbu d'Everberg, Barbu d'Watermale, Barbu d'Grubbe, Booted Bantam, Japanese Nankin, Old Dutch, Pekin, Rosecomb, Sebright, Tuzo.

Section 5: Large Fowl Hard Feather: Jubilee Indian, Indian Game, Asil, Shamo.

Section 6: Large Fowl Heavy Soft Feathered: Australorp, Barnvelder, Brahma, Cochin, Creve-Coeur, Croad Langshan, Dorking, Faverolles, Frizzle, Ixworth, Jersey Giant, La Fleche, Maran, Modern Langshan, New Hampshire Red, Norfolk Grey, North Holland Blue, Orloff, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Sulmtaler, Sussex, Transylvanian Naked Neck, Wyandotte.

Section 7: Large Fowl Light Soft Feather: Ancona, Andalusian, Appenzeller Spitzhauben, Araucana, Araucana Rumpless, Augsburger, Breda, Bresse, Campine, Hamburgh, Houdan, Kraienkoppe, Lakenvelder, Leghorn, Marsh Daisy, Minorca, Old English Pheasant Fowl, Poland, Redcap (Derbyshire), Scots Dumpy, Scots Grey, Sicilian Buttercup, Silkie, Spanish, Sultan, Sumatra Game, Vorwerk, Welsummer, Yokohama.

Section 8: Waterfowl: Aylesbury, Bali, Blue Swedish, Campbell, Cayuga, Crested, Hook Bill, Indian Runner, Magpie, Muscovy, Orpington, Pekin, Rouen, Rouen Clair, Saxony, Silver Appleyard, Welsh Harlequin.

Section 9: Bantam Waterfowl: Black East Indian, Call, Crested Miniature, Appleyard (Silver).

Sponsors:Millbrook Foods, Oldcastle
John Dolan, Banagher
Connolly Redmills, Goresbridge, Co Kilkenny 
Moydrum Castle Poultry Farm, Moydrum, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Prizes: 1st - €15, 2nd - €10, 3rd - €8, 4th - €5

No entries permitted on day of event.

Entry Fee:  
Start Time:  
2:00 pm
Class is currently closed for entry.