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1006: Inventions that are"Too big to travel"


e.g. Modifications to farm machinery, farm equipment, stationary creations. 
Rules & Conditions 

  • This class will be judged using a 2-3 minute video that showcases the invention and explains the problem it was developed to solve.
  • Video to be forwarded to Tullamore Show HQ Axis Business Park, Tullamore, Co Offaly or Herdwatch, Dublin Rd, Derryvale, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary by Friday 5th July with completed entry form & Fee.

N.B.: Inventions and modifications to existing inventions are eligible and welcome to enter.
All exhibits will be judged on the showground on Saturday 10th August, from 10.00am.
An exhibit can only be entered in one class. The exhibitor shall decide on which class is the most appropriate for the exhibit.
Sponsors: The Farming Independent, WR Shaw, Burlington Business Park, Clara Road, Tullamore, Co Offaly, Glenngorey Pumps Limited, Newbridge Co Kildare.

Closing date for all hardcopy entries is: Monday 1st July 2024.
Closing date for all online entries is: Friday 5th July 2024.

No entries permitted on day of event.

Invention's marquee
Entry Fee:  
Start Time:  
3:00 pm
Prizes:   1st - €300.00 , 2nd - €200.00 , 3rd - €100.00

Please Note: If classes 1006 and 1007 are over subscribed with entries, a pre cataloging selection may take place.
Classes 1006 and 1007 will also be involved in the Herdwatch Ag Inventions Competition. Full  details available on or

Class is currently closed for entry.