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994: Special Educational Needs - Open theme under 12

ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ➤ Photography ➤ Junior Photography Sun 11th Aug 2024

In addition to the schedule of competitions, the Art & Photography section are delighted to have exhibitions from Local Artists and Photographers.

Rules and Conditions

  1. All entries must be exhibitors' own work and recently completed within the past year. Entries from last year will not be accepted. 
  2. Name, Address, Contact Number and Class Number must be shown clearly on the back of each piece.
  3. Entries must be framed or mounted, with hook and string provided for hanging. Entries that are not framed or mounted or without a suitable means of hanging will only be accepted at the discretion of the Chief Steward of the Art & Photography Section.
  4. Exhibits must be brought to the Art/Photography Section before 10.00am on Show Day.
  5. Entries will be accepted on Show Morning up to 9.30am but an extra €2 will be added to the entry fee (No admission credits allowed).
  6. All classes are open.
  7. Exhibits must not exceed 800mm x 600mm including Frame.
  8. Exhibits which may offend may not be displayed.
  9. Entries must be collected between 5.00pm and 6.00pm on the day of the Show.
  10. The Tullamore Show will not be responsible for any exhibits not collected by 6.30pm on show evening.


Closing date for all hardcopy entries is: Monday 1st July 2024.
Closing date for all online entries is: Friday 5th July 2024.

Sponsor: Laois & Offaly Education & Training Board
Individual entries only. Entries in Black & White or Colour.

Prizes: 1st - €25, 2nd - €15, 3rd - €10

Entry Fee:  
Class is currently closed for entry.