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Young Handler Event a Wonderful Success

A first for Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock show, a young handlers showmanship basics day was held at the GVM on Sunday 14th. It was also the launch of the show which will take place Sunday 11th August 2024. 

It was decided many months ago to have a special day for young handlers from all over the country. They came from every county in Ireland to learn the art of showing from washing, grooming, show etiquette, leading an animal whether sheep, cows or cattle, dress attire and respect for others. The young girls & boys, men & women learned from the experts with demos taking place with animals from 11 am to after 2pm. 
Food and refreshments were provided by Tullamore show .

Joe Molloy the chairman welcomed everyone and thanked FBD who are the title sponsors and who attended on the day, also the many other companies who gave generously for the prizes on the day and GVM Mart for providing us with the venue. Also Chelsey Cox McDonald the secretary and Michael Dolan and all who helped prepare beforehand and also those who volunteered on the day.
So save the date for 
Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show Sunday 11th August 2024